Emerging Military Weapon Technologies in Outer Space | SETA Emerging Military Technologies Series .3.

Outer space and the related studies emerged once again as a strategically important domain in a military sense among countries with access to space. In this regard, space technologies and the ability to access space are viewed as a kind of force multiplier in the military terminology. Indeed, the ability to defend oneself from one’s enemies, the development of new space weapons and access to all areas for intelligence purposes serve to further strengthen any given nation’s army. This report takes into consideration the global trends to provide a comprehensive analysis of the above-mentioned points.

Emerging Military Weapon Technologies in Outer Space SETA Emerging Military

Owning Modernity in the Turkish Public Space

The debate over the headscarf issue is increasingly becoming a debate about who defines modernity in Turkey. The traditional vanguards of modernity are claiming to own modernity in a way that leaves practically no space for those they define as the "other," which in the language of militant Turkish secularism turns into "enemies of the republic," "backward-looking dogma obsessed people," "religious fanatics," "ethnic nationalists," etc.
