On Climate Migration Exploring Cases from Türkiye and Beyond

The edited volume combines two broad objectives. First, it intends to present an alarming and innovative perspective on climate change through case studies from around the world. Second, it will provide a new perspective on migration from the perspective of global and regional dynamics that force people to migrate. With a special emphasis on Türkiye’s climate change policy and its organizational capacity to meet new challenges that have emerged, especially after its successful response to the massive influx of Syrian refugees, the edited volume overall aims to inspire international organizations and governments to find long-term solutions to this dynamic process.

On Climate Migration Exploring Cases from Türkiye and Beyond
Turkish foreign policy in 2022

Turkish foreign policy in 2022

As Ankara has made a number of crucial and successful moves in world politics while being led by President Erdoğan, 2022 was a challenging but fruitful year for Turkish foreign policy


Türkiye has developed 'significant capabilities' to solve conflicts surrounding country, says general coordinator of Ankara based-think tank SETA

Tehran is facing severe political, economic and social problems domestically such as the negative impacts of the long-time U.S. sanctions, poverty, unemployment, drought, migration and growing uneasiness among different segments of society

The West’s policy of otherization and alienation toward Türkiye, a 70-year NATO member, especially in the regional crises of Syria, EastMed and Karabakh is the result of Ankara’s claim for regional leadership and an autonomous global status

Western countries have always supported the oppressors instead of the innocent and unsurprisingly, it is no different when it comes to the Greek violence against Turkish Cypriots

Crisis within the Western security structure

The Western world is in a deep political and social crisis due to the Western people losing faith in liberal institutions and values, obscurity around NATO's future and NATO losing its credibility

Crisis within the Western security structure
New perspective needed in Türkiye-Iran relations

New perspective needed in Türkiye-Iran relations

What kind of Türkiye does Iran prefer? Which Türkiye can satisfy Iranian regional expectations?


Russian invasion of Ukraine has mobilized NATO and the Western alliance, and it is finally creating a new conversation about the future of regional security arrangements

Yavuz Selim Kiran made comments at Ankara-based policy think-tank conference

Through Erdoğan's road map, Turkey will activate more effective foreign policy tools to strengthen its regional and global position

The lack of rational policies and well-calculated road maps alienate the Western powers from allies and neutral countries

From the war on terror to the Eastern Mediterranean puzzle, the president discussed a series of serious issues with his counterparts Biden and Macron at the G-20 gathering

With its regional mindset and strategy, there is now a way for Tehran to be productive in the South Caucasus

Recently, the United States has taken critical steps to 'recognize' certain historical developments. These “recognitions” are unilateral actions that, for the most part, challenge the basic principles of international law.

Pashinian, a pro-American politician, could not strike a healthy balance between the Russian influence over his country and his government’s policy of closer cooperation with the Western alliance.

Whether it be de-escalating tensions with Greece through negotiation, jump-starting the Cyprus talks, organizing a regional conference on the Eastern Mediterranean, renegotiating the refugee deal, visa liberalization or updating the customs union, Turkey will persistently pursue diplomacy as it attempts to make a fresh start with the European Union. All of these points are on Ankara's agenda as it awaits the upcoming visit of the presidents of the European Council and Commission to Turkey.

2020 was really an interesting year. It has influenced almost every aspect of life, including international politics. Overall, 2020 has caused vital damage to all states; no state escaped from its detrimental effects.

Since the early years of the revolution, Iran has generally followed an inactive policy regarding the West, but one of reaction toward the Muslim world.

To be clear, Turkey is actively involved in not just regional but also global issues. Ankara intends to remain part of those conversations, too. The driving force behind Turkey's actions is the challenges of geopolitics and the responsibilities they entail – as opposed to ideology.

Two news stories with completely opposite titles appeared in Western media last week. The first story was about Turkey allegedly provoking its NATO allies by testing the S-400 air defense system. The other related to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s remarks on the “unprecedented” level of cooperation between Turkey and Ukraine, viewing the Ukrainian leader’s decision to award President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan with the medal of honor as problematic for Russia’s President Vladimir Putin. That development, The Times argued, could be detrimental to Erdoğan’s relationship with Putin.