Turkey's post-Peace Spring road map in Syria

Turkey's legitimate campaign in Syria needs further steps to establish terror-free areas in the region

Turkey's post-Peace Spring road map in Syria
Syria after the recent deals

Syria after the recent deals

Turkey's deals in Syria have provided a great opportunity for a more secure region, but there is still a lot of work to do


The five days of intense diplomacy are here. The first step to determine northern Syria's fate was taken in Ankara, where Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan hosted U.S. Vice President Mike Pence. By Tuesday evening, a second step must be taken. In his meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin, Erdoğan will complete the proposed safe zone's main framework.

Çankaya Palace in Ankara was home to a historic trilateral summit on Monday. The presidents of Turkey, Russia and Iran met for the fifth time in two years to discuss the situation in Idlib, refugees, the most recent developments in northeastern Syria and the proposed constitutional committee.

The second half of September will be a busy season. Turkey, Russia, and Iran will hold a trilateral summit on Sep. 16. Five days later, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan will fly to New York for the U.N. General Assembly's opening session.

The U.S. and European actors' indifference in Syria and pressure on Turkey weakens Ankara's position vis-a-vis Moscow in the political deal for Syria

Dark side of the Grozny model in northeastern Syria

Syria's northeastern city of Idlib, a rebel-controlled enclave, has seen indiscriminate bombardment by the Syrian regime and Russian forces in the last few weeks. The humanitarian catastrophe is affecting civilians, mostly in the Idlib area.

Dark side of the Grozny model in northeastern Syria
Calm before the political storm of June

Calm before the political storm of June

Turkey has a very busy agenda ahead of itself for the month of June..


Moscow should turn the current situation in Idlib into an internationally recognized political deal rather than another brutal victory for the Assad regime

The growing tension between the U.S. and Iran is in the spotlight in our region. Washington is approaching Iran with a policy of "maximum pressure." They have not only strengthened the sanctions but also sent an aircraft carrier to the Gulf.

Idlib province is the only region under the control of the Syrian opposition. More than 3 million people, most of whom migrated from other parts of the country, live there. The tension has increased following the Bashar Assad regime's ground forces' operations in the region over the last several weeks.

Two meetings took place earlier this week in Warsaw and Sochi that were crucial for the future of the Middle East.

At the Sochi summit, Erdoğan, along with Russian President Vladimir Putin and Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, reiterated their commitment to work together in finding a solution to the Syrian conflict.

Since the planned wide-scale military operation by the Assad regime in July 2018 against the different military factions, Idlib has been the center of the Syrian conflict...

It's no surprise that we are seeing fake news about Manbij circulating in the media as the Syrian city is a significant location that will eventually shape the future of the whole country

What does the Sochi Agreement Mean for Idlib? What are the Implications of This Agreement? What are the Challenges Facing the Sochi Agreement?

Turkey has said it is resolutely committed to clearing the YPG terror threat from northeastern Syria and recently shelled YPG positions along its borders. Experts say Ankara will no longer wait around for the Manbij deal and will take any necessary steps to address the issue

If Russia and Turkey can make the Idlib deal work, their cooperation in Syria will mean the two countries have crossed a strategic threshold

Talks on Syria have brought Ankara and Moscow closer together, and are helping in developments and collaboration on other bilateral issues such as nuclear energy, natural gas, tourism and trade

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan held talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Sochi on Monday. .

Regime leader Assad wants to claim victory over Idlib to prove he has Syrian lands under his control, says analyst