Putin-Biden spat and course of propaganda war

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict threatens to spread across the region and exacerbate great power competition. As United States military bases in Iraq and Syria come under drone attacks more and more frequently, a U.S. destroyer in the Red Sea shot down cruise missiles that the Houthi rebels in Yemen fired at Israel – harassing fire from Iran’s proxies.

Putin-Biden spat and course of propaganda war
Preparations in Libya and Egypt's difficult test

Preparations in Libya and Egypt's difficult test

Both sides of the Libyan conflict are getting ready for the Sirte-Jufra front. The attack on al-Watiya air base, probably by the United Arab Emirates (UAE), demonstrated both parties’ determination. As Turkey took precautions to prevent future attacks, Turkish Defense Minister Hulusi Akar held talks with the interior ministers of Libya and Malta on Monday.


Following back-to-back successes by Government of National Accord, all sides seem to reorder positions

As the Libyan putschist Gen. Khalifa Haftar grows weaker, his sponsors begin to speak louder. Building on angry statements from Greece and France, Egypt raised the ante by taking a fresh step. That country’s usurper president, Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi, declared an attack on Sirte and Jufra a "red line" for Cairo and threatened to "directly intervene" in Libya.

Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi's latest comments on the Libyan crisis have led to a discussion of the Egyptian state. Many observers began to rethink the perception and power of Egypt over the last seven decades. Most observers agree that el-Sissi has downgraded the position of Egypt. After the military coup in 2013 – which brought el-Sissi to power – Egypt transformed into a sub-contractor of two ambitious Gulf monarchies, namely the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia.

What is the context of the decision? What does this decision mean for Israel and for Netanyahu? What are the possible implications of the decision?

Attempts to change the Middle Eastern system

The Middle East is at risk in confronting a major systematic change as regional countries cannot remain safe amid domestic and external conflicts

Attempts to change the Middle Eastern system
Roots of terrorist attacks in Egypt and future of Sissi

Roots of terrorist attacks in Egypt and future of Sissi regime

It's important to focus on the reasons for the failure of Sissi's government's strategy toward northern Sinai.


Making significant progress in the fight against Daesh, Ankara must now watch out for the terrorist group's next-generation attacks such as vehicles plowing through crowds and using sleeper cells

The attempt to politically ostracise the tiny emirate is more likely to isolate Riyadh than to bring Qatar to its knees.

This tragic incident in Paris once again reminded the world that the threat of terrorism is real and present and we need an international effort to deal with this growing threat.

Egypt represents the heart of the Arab world. The country has the potential to create new regional trends in terms of the balance of power in the Middle East and the transformation of Islamic movements.