Istanbul Attacks and Failure of the International Community

The international community fails to understand the gravity of the terrorism threat around the world. Turkey was the target today, but no one knows who will be next

Istanbul Attacks and Failure of the International Community
The PKK and Car Bomb Attacks

The PKK and Car Bomb Attacks

This study proposes an analytical view to better understand the dynamics of bomb-laden vehicle attacks carried out by the terrorist organization PKK.


Turkey’s new seat in the UNSC marks a historic achievement for Turkish foreign policy since 1961. Turkish diplomatic corps around the world and political leaders have lobbied towards this end since 2003.

                                                 Uluslararası Konferans: VATANDAŞLIK, GÜVENLİK ve DEMOKRASİ  An International Conference on Citizenship, Security and Democracy 1-3 Eylül 2006 / 1st-3rd September, 2006 İSTANBUL

Turkey’s new seat in the UNSC marks a historic achievement for Turkish foreign policy since 1961. Turkish diplomatic corps around the world and political leaders have lobbied towards this end since 2003.

CONFERENCE Organized by Yildiz Technical University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Turkey’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs Strategic Research Centre (SAM) Politics, Economics and Social Research Foundation (SETA) Global Political Trends Center (GPOT) Istanbul Chamber of Commerce (ITO) USA Consulate General of Istanbul Date: 15-16 October 2010 Venue: Yildiz Technical University Presidential Hall

Turkey's Role in Security of Oil and Gas Supplies

Turkey is enthusiastic to playing a driving and constructive role in transportation of the Caspian, Middle Eastern and Central Asian hydrocarbon resources to Europe and World Markets.

Turkey's Role in Security of Oil and Gas Supplies
Security Sector Reform and the Arab Spring

Security Sector Reform and the Arab Spring

What is the role of the Security Sector in triggering the Arab-Majority Uprisings? What kinds of obstacles is Security Sector Reform facing? What steps need to be taken in order to facilitate Security Sector Reform?
