Apple’s Personalized Intelligence and Its Repercussions

When Apple incorporated Siri into its systems in 2011, it was considered a milestone in Artificial Intelligence (AI) development. This achievement marked the culmination of extensive research and development in natural language processing (NLP) and voice recognition technologies, demonstrating significant advancements in making AI more accessible and user-friendly to everyday consumers.

Apple s Personalized Intelligence and Its Repercussions
Turkey to boycott US electronic products Erdoğan says

Turkey to boycott US electronic products, Erdoğan says

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said Tuesday that Turkey will impose a boycott against U.S. electronic products amid an ongoing and deepening rift between the two NATO allies over a number of issues.


Among observers of the historical trajectory of global capitalism, it is conventional wisdom that successful "developmental alliances" require common visions and strategic partnerships between key state agencies and large-scale business interests.