5 Questions: The Palermo Conference and the Future of the Crisis in Libya

Why did the Turkish delegation withdraw from the Conference on Libya held in Palermo, Italy? What is Turkey’s position on the Libyan crisis? What is at the source of the Libyan crisis? Could the Conference on Libya in Palermo be a solution to the crisis? Is a solution possible in Libya?

5 Questions The Palermo Conference and the Future of the
Turkey and the Middle East's emerging geopolitical void

Turkey and the Middle East's emerging geopolitical void

A new way of Arab nationalism based on more radical sectarian discourses is currently being promoted by Mohammed bin Salman and his partners with the help of the U.S. to further fuel in the Middle East


In the midst of the Saudi-Iranian polarization, that is promoted by many to stir up new troubles in the Middle East, Turkey seeks to pursue a balancing policy

The crown prince's grip on power, which has received the blessing of the United States, Israel and the Gulf, has been accompanied by powerful rhetoric of reform, a new vision, development and fighting corruption.

What is most interesting about the Egyptian coup is that both the Salafis and the liberals had no ideological or moral qualms about being in the same frame during the announcement.

This study will dwell on the structures, opinions of Salafi groups prior to the Revolution and their political parties, political attitudes and opinions in the wake of the January 25 Revolution.