What has been lost in Raqqa

What has been lost in Raqqa?

When Daesh first emerged, the U.S. chastised Turkey for condoning it. However, while Turkey was fighting on the ground in Azaz, Jarablus and al-Bab, the U.S. did not provide enough air support.


The YPG's position in the aftermath of the retake of Raqqa means the threat for the security of region's people is not over yet

The fight against Daesh terrorism should focus on the stabilization of Syria as well as how to stop Daesh elements in different countries from organizing deadly attacks around the World

The U.S. administration should already know that not having a strategy is not the best way to go and inaction is not the least risky approach to the conflict. There are too many variables and too many actors involved in this conflict

If the US insists on supporting the YPG against Turkey's wishes, Syria's post-ISIL stability is going to be in peril.

Next Step in Defeating Daesh

The Raqqa operation, which is expected to be the next step in the fight against Daesh terrorists in Syria, can achieve success only with the support of legitimate local actors

Next Step in Defeating Daesh
Turkey's Firm Steps in Battle against Daesh

Turkey's Firm Steps in Battle against Daesh

With the liberation of al-Bab from Daesh terrorists, Turkey has proven once again that Operation Euphrates Shield is the most successful weapon on the ground against the deadly terrorist group in Syria


Turkey's decision to extend its existing offensive in Syria is quite audacious, but it has no choice other than to assume its active role in the Syrian civil war, which is the root cause of many problems in the Middle East

Following the warm phone call between presidents Trump and Erdoğan, the CIA head's Ankara visit was the first face-to-face start of the new negotiation era between Turkey and the U.S., which heralds the change of power balance approaching the Middle East