CHP trapped in intraparty struggle, again!

A lack of democracy, shady hustles and disunity. The main opposition CHP actively embraces what a successful party would avoid

CHP trapped in intraparty struggle again
Opposition CHP crisis points to political plot within party

Opposition CHP crisis points to political plot within party

While different factions within the main opposition continue to blame one another for once again emerging intra-party crisis, experts say point to a power struggle as the main cause of the problem in the Republican People's Party (CHP)


Turkey's main opposition, the Republican People's Party (CHP), has been caught up in the midst of a heated debate over the last few days. Rahmi Turan, a columnist for the Turkish language daily, Sözcü, alleged last week that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan had hosted a senior CHP member at the Presidential Complex urging them to contest the race for CHP chairman.