Iranian Protests, the Turkish Paradigm and Wishful Thinking

The 20-year rivalry between Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei (above), who is the guardian of the Islamist regime, and Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, the chairman of the Assembly of Experts, came to a head in the recent conflict in Iran. The latest developments in Iran following the recent highly disputed presidential elections have created a wishful political atmosphere which has been characterized by hasty conclusions.

Iranian Protests the Turkish Paradigm and Wishful Thinking
What Really Happened in Turkey

What Really Happened in Turkey?

A wish for the AK Party to be thrown out of power through undemocratic means is not a stance that can bring about meaningful political change. It’s a psychological reflex from a bygone era.


An analysis on the identity and message of the protesters should take into consideration the heterogeneity of protesters.

Now it is time to adopt a calmer approach while analyzing the Gezi Park protests. Since the beginning of the protests, not only the composition but also the motive and aim of the protesters have gradually changed.

Before the “week of departure” protests organized by the opposition in Tunisia on August 24, 2013, tension ruled as the Nahda Party in power continues to have talks with the opposition to prevent the country from becoming a second Egypt.