Islamic Politics and the Problem of Official Secularism

SETA PUBLIC LECTURE By  Ş. İlgü Özler,  Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science and International Relations, State University of New York-New Paltz Date: January 14, 2010 Thursday  Time: 11.00 – 12.30 Venue: SETA Foundation, Ankara

Islamic Politics and the Problem of Official Secularism
Turkey's War on Terror Could Be an Opportunity For the

Turkey's War on Terror Could Be an Opportunity For the Kurdish Problem

It may look like a paradox, but the current standoff between Turkey and northern Iraq could turn into an opportunity to solve the Kurdish problem in Turkey and the region. Turkey's increased efforts to fight Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) terrorism has the full backing of all the related actors: the Turkish public, the political establishment, security elites, regional actors and international public opinion. The Justice and Development Party (AK Party) government should seize this opportunity and start a process of national reconciliation and healing.  
