The Vatican and beyond: Europe's new political issues and Turkey

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan went to the Vatican to meet with Pope Francis. His official visit was significant because it was the first time in 59 years that a Turkish president has gone to the Vatican.

The Vatican and beyond Europe's new political issues and Turkey
Erdoğan's visit with Pope Francis and an alliance of civilizations

Erdoğan's visit with Pope Francis and an alliance of civilizations

As the political and social atmosphere in the international system is rapidly evolving in favor of discriminatory figures, the warm meeting between Erdoğan and the pope was extremely valuable


On Oct. 11, a historic letter was sent out to the world’s Christian community. The letter was signed by 138 leading Muslim scholars and academics across the world. Titled “A Common Word Between Us and You,” it was addressed to Christian leaders of various denominations including Pope Benedict XVI, Greek Orthodox Patriarch Bartholomew I, Archbishop of Canterbury Dr. Rowan Williams, Presiding Bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and President of the Lutheran World Federation Mark S. Hanson, World Methodist Council General Secretary Rev. George H. Freeman, Baptist World Alliance President Rev. David Coffey, World Alliance of Reformed Churches General Secretary Rev. Setri Nyomi and other Christian figures in leadership positions. The letter was also addressed to all Christians of the world. The full text of the letter, the list of signatories, recipients, responses and media reports can be found on the official Web site