Diplomatic Cover of Political Ambitions

The 10 envoys failed to act in line with the global norms of diplomacy and violated common values that serve as the backbone of international relations

Diplomatic Cover of Political Ambitions
What's the basis of Turkish reaction to 10 envoys

What's the basis of Turkish reaction to 10 envoys?

The ambassadors chose the wrong path and attempted to interfere in Turkish domestic affairs. This is why Ankara's stance is right


Those 10 foreign ambassadors could serve their countries better if they stopped making such statements and instead promoted a new kind of relationship that recognizes Turkey’s interests and considerations.

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan unveiled the framework for his administration’s reform agenda at the ruling Justice and Development Party's (AK Party) parliamentary meeting last week. That policy initiative seeks to promote more production, encourage new investments and create new jobs – as well as adopt new regulations for the judiciary and human rights. The administration thus seeks to boost confidence in the market economy and the rule of law.