Greece's game plan: 'The Athenian Trap'

Defense deals, lobby card encourage Greek aggression, increase risk of regional entrapments, undermine NATO's foundational element of collective defense

Greece's game plan 'The Athenian Trap'
Greece's tension tactics only support dangerous politics

Greece's tension tactics only support dangerous politics

With elections approaching, Mitsotakis hopes to benefit from heightened tensions. However, it is a dangerous game to play


Türkiye's reservations against Finland and Sweden's membership emanate from Ankara's long-standing frustration over Western tolerance and support for the PKK/YPG

Turkey is evacuating Afghanistan cautiously optimistic about the Taliban's next steps and ready to engage with the country on another level

The Gülenist Terror Group's (FETÖ) July 15 coup attempt in 2016 was one of the darkest moments in Turkish political history. It was a traumatic event for the Turkish bureaucracy and military.

With Turkey's support, forces loyal to Libya's internationally recognized Government of National Accord (GNA) liberated al-Watiya air base from Khalifa Haftar's forces on May 18. The recapture of the air base, a key strategic site in the western part of the country, marked the start of a series of defeats for Haftar forces and their eventual retreat from western Libya.

Gamble with Russia: NATO enlargement and North Macedonia

North Macedonia’s accession to the Alliance does not give promising signs of rapprochement between Russia and NATO

Gamble with Russia NATO enlargement and North Macedonia
NATO Decides to Become a Real Organization

NATO Decides to Become a Real Organization

The Brussels summit must be a milestone for NATO to determine a road map to truly fight against worldwide terrorism


Can the Turkish military be democratic? This is a crucial question for Turkish democracy and by extension for a number of chronic problems which have plagued Turkish society for decades