Why is America alone?

There are many apparent reasons to comprehend the isolation of the U.S. among its allies, but McMaster's answer for this is really worth giving an ear to

Why is America alone
US's failed diplomacy glitters in 2017 review

US's failed diplomacy glitters in 2017 review

Regional powers and U.S. allies, nowadays, try to figure out what the nature of this trend is and what it will lead to. Although it is dubbed "pragmatic realism" by actors of this new foreign policy, it raises concern about a new form of isolationism and a more aggressive form of unilateralism. The belated expression of commitment to the collective security clause of NATO has become part of this concern.


The nature of the Gulf-sponsored polarization campaign effectively renders their threats ineffective.

The escalation of the nuclear issue with Iran, the unveiling of the Gulf crisis with Qatar, the crisis with Turkey over the support for the Democratic Union Party (PYD) in Syria and the alleged involvement in domestic power struggles in Saudi Arabia were all indications of this tendency.