How to exit the 'lose-lose cycle' in global security?

Today’s world is facing rapidly changing security dynamics and increasing geopolitical competition. This competition, which has accelerated and morphed, especially with the COVID-19 pandemic, has also created a deep security crisis following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and Israel’s attacks in Gaza.

How to exit the 'lose-lose cycle' in global security
Munich conference Renewed alliance in post-pandemic

Munich conference: Renewed alliance in post-pandemic

The Munich Security Conference (MSC) is one of the most important events that bring leaders worldwide together to discuss the challenges of global security.


Each crisis with Ankara has more significant repercussions regarding the future of Washington's relations with its other allies. In other words, what happens between Turkey and the U.S. does not not stay between Turkey and the U.S.

U.S. President Donald Trump is eager to declare victory against Daesh, yet his military commanders express concerns that the terrorist defeat might be short-lived.

In fact, potential cooperation between China and Russia is mentioned as one of the significant threats for U.S. foreign policy. Of course this is the perspective of the U.S. and it is possible to read most of the decisions given by the U.S. administrations in the last few years in accordance with this changing threat assessment and perception.

The Munich Security Conference is an influential platform where global security trends are discussed every year by academics and policymakers.

Western bloc crumbles as US-EU rift emerges

The ongoing rift between the U.S. and the EU countries in NATO hints at the slow collapse of the Western alliance

Western bloc crumbles as US-EU rift emerges
Decline of the international order we know

Decline of the international order we know

Munich Security Conferences (MSC) are important annual international events that bring world leaders, decisions makers, academics, business people, bureaucrats and young professionals together to discuss the security challenges the world is facing. MSC is considered one of the most important forums for global security policy.


Turkey-EU relations has reached at its lowest level thanks to EU countries ignoring Ankara's concerns on the security of its people and state

The first and most significant task of the Trump administration to revive the damaged Turkey-U.S. relations is to take steps to overcome the trust and confidence problems in bilateral relations