New Egypt Versus the Felool: Struggle for Democracy

The military regime, after having kept its cool during the revolution and the parliamentary elections, went on the offensive right before the presidential elections and intervened in politics.

New Egypt Versus the Felool Struggle for Democracy
The Felool and Liberalism

The Felool and Liberalism

May our new post-modern political trend be blessed for us all! The Felool-liberalism is the new liberalization/salvation recipe of the status quo.


The Arab Uprisings forcing the dictators to step down in the First Wave are to target the transformation of the old order and the establishment in the Second Wave.

It would not be realistic to talk about breaking relations between Egypt and Turkey while not only the Egyptian people but also the Egyptian elites have sympathy for the Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.

The events of July 3 represent nothing but pure political pornography. The sole truth and reality remains: Mohamed Morsi, the elected president of Egypt, lost his power to a military junta and its international solidarity networks.

If the new regime in Egypt survives in the coming days, nobody will win a strategic advantage; rather, all actors in the Middle East will lose dearly, most significantly the Egyptian people themselves.

The Coup and Resistance in Egypt

A lose-lose balance has already been formed, so both parties have no choice but to reach a political consensus as they have notably high grassroots potential.

The Coup and Resistance in Egypt
Mass sentencing in Egypt from Tiananmen to revolutionary tribunals

Mass sentencing in Egypt: from Tiananmen to revolutionary tribunals?

After the revolution that toppled Hosni Mubarak during the Arab Spring, Egypt today is passing through one of the most difficult eras in its history.
