Whose Model? Which Turkey?

Political demonstrations in Tunisia and Egypt have sparked a century old discussion: Is Turkey a model for the Middle East?

Whose Model Which Turkey
Turkey a Model for Islamic World insofar as It Changes

Turkey a Model for Islamic World insofar as It Changes

Public demands for structural change in North Africa and the Middle East has brought Turkey to the global stage within a new context. The course of developments in Muslim countries and the direction the Middle East in particular will pursue is the most important item on the international agenda. Politicians and academics who discuss the topic in local and foreign media frequently mention Turkey as well. Questions like whether Turkey can serve as a model and be a source of inspiration for political and social change are asked. What experience does Turkey have? Which fields does it have the potential to impact? Can it contribute to change and transformation? How do the West and the Muslim world feel about Turkey’s role in the region? These are enlightening questions that Turkey should answer.


Public demands for structural change in North Africa and the Middle East has brought Turkey to the global stage within a new context.

INSIGHT TURKEY DEBATES   Chair:     İhsan Dağı, Insight Turkey    Speakers:    Kemal Kirişci, Boğaziçi University     Alper Dede, Zirve University      Date: June 2, 2011 Thursday  Saat: 14.00-16.00  Venue: SETA, Ankara

If we are to talk about a model, it must be the Camp David model which was imposed in our region for decades. It is a model that captured people’s will and gave it to dictators by force.

The Arab uprisings in early 2011 provided the US and Turkey with an opportunity and a necessity to discover new forms of cooperation and policy coordination due to the urgency for action on the ground.