Death, inequality, recession: The COVID-19 mirror

It has been almost a year since the declaration of the coronavirus outbreak as a pandemic. It was one of the most tragic years in history. Millions were infected by the virus, and hundreds of thousands of people lost their lives. It traumatized tens of millions of people around the world.

Death inequality recession The COVID-19 mirror
US' virus strategy fails to curb impact

US' virus strategy fails to curb impact

There is no clear and credible scientific data available yet to indicate when the coronavirus will end. There are some projections and more speculations about it. For some, it may wind down by the end of summer; for others it will end only to make a stronger comeback in fall. In the last two months, different people from the U.S. administration have provided a different set of projections. U.S. President Donald Trump, who once said, “It’s going to disappear. One day, it’s like a miracle, it will disappear” seems to have adopted a cautious perspective about a potential timeline. He now believes the crisis may continue until the end of summer.
