When the West says sorry, everything becomes all right

Western countries have been dominating world politics for the last five centuries. Their foreign policies have been based on realpolitik, politics based on practical situations and needs, rather than on moral principles or ideas. Therefore, they can instrumentalize everything and violate basic principles of law to achieve their political and economic objectives, especially when they are stuck.

When the West says sorry everything becomes all right
Populist vision reigns in Europe

Populist vision reigns in Europe

The latest wave of ultranationalism, xenophobia and anti-Islamism in Europe has been threatening the very essence of modern values and institutions, namely the liberalism and internationalism mainly represented by the EU.


Western political elites have developed three opinions about Islam and Muslims, which I will try to describe briefly here. The first and the most popular Western perception is anti-Islamism.

The Europeans are destroying the possibility of cooperating with Turkey to pursue mutual, rational interests as they retain their anti-Erdoğan sentiments

The U.K.'s Brexit episode set a useful precedent for Turkey's future mode of engagement with Europe

European countries' open support to the ‘no' campaign in the Turkish referendum will have an adverse effect on the camp opposing the constitutional reform

Hate Speech In the Netherlands

Infographic of the Mark Rutte and Geert Wilders' hate speech

Hate Speech In the Netherlands