Macron’s weak victory in France

'The French voted for Emmanuel Macron in the second round not because they really believed in him but because they did not want to see Le Pen as president'

Macron s weak victory in France
How to read French elections

How to read French elections

The French votes reveal that right-wing populism will continue to influence the European political domain in the near future


Based on the facts discussed so far, it is obvious that Macron, who was defeated against the central parties in the regional elections held in June, will be more Islamophobic in order to maintain his popularity in society and to gain votes from his opponents.

French President Emmanuel Macron is back on the stage with more of the outlandish claims we have come to expect. In a seeming attempt to make up for his failure to get the European Union to sanction Turkey, the Frenchman launched a fresh attack against Ankara. While German Chancellor Angela Merkel stresses the importance of interdependence and a constructive relationship, Macron continues to threaten Turkey with sanctions.

The squabble between President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and French President Emmanuel Macron continues.

Emmanuel Macron was welcomed by political leaders in Europe and the United States when he defeated his right-wing populist rival Marine Le Pen in the second round of the French presidential race in 2017.

European elections and the outlook for Turkish-EU relations

Although the European Parliament elections granted more ground to euroskeptic parties, the situation is still manageable. Turkey will likely rely on bilateral ties rather than EU institutions in the future

European elections and the outlook for Turkish-EU relations
Populist vision reigns in Europe

Populist vision reigns in Europe

The latest wave of ultranationalism, xenophobia and anti-Islamism in Europe has been threatening the very essence of modern values and institutions, namely the liberalism and internationalism mainly represented by the EU.


The West does not seem to be bothered much about the rising tide of micro-nationalism in the Middle East, which is categorically perceived as an endemic conflict zone

The latest political news show that the biggest problem in the West is the increasing trend of populism rather than racism, xenophobia and Islamophobia

The anti-DAESH campaign conducted by the global community is far from well-coordination and only serves the terror organization's interests

The Paris attack seems like a strategic strike aimed to sharpen the existing polarization both in France and Europe in general.