Turkey to reaffirm priority of border security with actors in Syria

Ensuring border security is expected to be the main focus of Turkey's upcoming diplomatic meetings with its allies in the region, particularly the U.S. and Russia

Turkey to reaffirm priority of border security with actors in
Who was behind the Manbij attack

Who was behind the Manbij attack?

The best option for Washington is to work with Ankara in the withdrawal process, as terrorist groups are fanning the flames in Syria, just as they did in the bloody Manbij suicide attack


It's no surprise that we are seeing fake news about Manbij circulating in the media as the Syrian city is a significant location that will eventually shape the future of the whole country

The recent agreement over Manbij between Turkey and the U.S. is a hopeful development; yet other important issues regarding Ankara's security concerns and peace in Syria still remain

What was the strategic importance of Manbij for the United States, the PKK/PYD, and Turkey? What topics will be covered by the roadmap in Manbij? How sincere is the U.S. with Turkey about its PKK/PYD policy? Will U.S. military activity in Sinjar Mountain jeopardize Manbij Agreement?

Ankara's objectives, closely associated with homeland and border security issues, obligated it to take military measures

Next Stop: Raqqa and Manbij

Turkey's decision to extend its existing offensive in Syria is quite audacious, but it has no choice other than to assume its active role in the Syrian civil war, which is the root cause of many problems in the Middle East

Next Stop Raqqa and Manbij