Greece 'not sincere and honest' on Aegean, East Med: Turkish foreign minister

Mevlut Cavusoglu says Athens blocks pathway to justice on existing issues

Greece 'not sincere and honest' on Aegean East Med Turkish
Four dimensions of the Cyprus issue

Four dimensions of the Cyprus issue

'The Cyprus question lies at the center of all Turkish-Greek relations and conflicts. It is a precondition for solving other bilateral issues between the two countries'


Recently, the United States has taken critical steps to 'recognize' certain historical developments. These “recognitions” are unilateral actions that, for the most part, challenge the basic principles of international law.

The debates over sanctions through the Countering America's Adversaries Through Sanctions Act (CAATSA) have been haunting Turkish-U.S. relations for the last four years. Since being passed by Congress, the bill has gone on to erode bilateral relations.

In the last seven decades, since the beginning of the strategic relations between Turkey and the U.S., there have been different tensions and crises between the two countries. Observers and historians of Turkish-American relations have defined some of these crises as "turning points" and "critical junctures" that significantly affected the general trajectory of bilateral ties.

In his book, we see that McMaster actually extracted the right lessons from the failure in Vietnam, but sadly enough, he was ousted from the Trump administration without achieving much

Turkey-U.S. relations at its lowest level

U.S. officials responsible for Washington's Syria policy have been suffering from a lapse of reason when it comes to judging Turkey's priorities. It would appear that they are content with the prospect of driving Turkey-U.S. relations to the ground by ignoring Ankara's concerns about the PKK-affiliated People's Protection Units (YPG) presence in northern Syria.

Turkey-U S relations at its lowest level