How to Prevent another Coup In Turkey

It is almost impossible to defeat the Fethullahçı organisation by just focusing on its institutional infrastructure. It is also absolutely necessary to defeat the movement’s messianic ideology and belief system.

How to Prevent another Coup In Turkey
Turkey's referendum thwarting the specter of coup d'etat

Turkey's referendum: thwarting the specter of coup d'etat

On Sunday September 12th, 2010, Turkey voted "yes" in a referendum to a package of amendments by a wide margin (58 percent yes; 42 percent no) with a high level of participation (77.5 percent) despite the pro-Kurdish Peace and Democracy Party's (BDP) boycott. The amendments were designed to restrict the power of the military and the judicial bureaucracy in Turkey that originated from the 1982 junta-made Turkish constitution. The immediate political consequence of the referendum will be a serious relaxation of domestic political tensions, which have been undergirded for over 50 years by the one constant in Turkish politics: the ever present threat of military coup.


The peace process will give us the opportunity to devise a more assertive and broader future by reconstructing a common “we” on a more righteous and healthier ground.

It seems that with the PKK’s disarmament these political positions will have to disarm politically.

As the parties take a political-stress-test in the solution process, all of the actors who fail to play a founding-role will have to suffer structural fractures, independently of the survival or success of the process.

The reshuffling of Turkey's domestic and foreign policy over the last decade has finally led to a solution for Kurds.

Politics, Not Arms, is the Way Forward for the Kurdish Issue

The Turkish-Kurdish peace process is facing challenges which can be ironed out only through politics not violence.

Politics Not Arms is the Way Forward for the Kurdish
A Historic Day for Kurdish Peace

A Historic Day for Kurdish Peace

Barzani, particularly for the last month, made his stance against PYD known. Not to mention, Barzani has been seizing on to a deep strategic alliance with Turkey in the recent years.


It is impossible for the old tutelary foundation that is cemented by the Constitution to carry the emerging new edifice of Turkey.

While no big surprises are expected from the local elections, the perception of success or failure of the ruling party will have an impact on its calculations with respect to the presidential election and the parliamentary election in 2015.

The peace process has so far led the movement to prioritize political participation over armed struggle as part of a broader notion of seeking representation as a left party with ethnic overtones.

A series of meetings, talks and statements since then, coupled with last weekend's workshop in Diyarbakır, indicate that the talks have either entered or are on the verge of a new stage.

Keeping all above-mentioned scenarios in mind, the only certain thing about the upcoming presidential election is that the main opposition CHP's decision to endorse a candidate with no ideological affinity to the party organization will result in a prolonged controversy.

There are three presidential candidates, but actually only two of them are running and the other one keeps saying that "he will not be involved in politics."

As a government-sponsored bill rekindles the Kurdish peace process, religious Muslims and the Kurdish political movement join forces to challenge Turkey’s old ways and usher in a new period in the nation’s history.

The Demirtaş campaign serves the Kurdish political movement's efforts to turn an ethnically-oriented, regional political party into a national force and to reach out to non-Kurdish voters - which is why they recently established the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP).

There is less than a month to go before Turkey’s presidential elections but media is still not giving a clear view of vote

In the future, the 2014 presidential election in Turkey will serve as an oftencited example of the difference between political engineering and genuine politics.

Erdoğan's victory on Aug. 10, despite serious attempts to undermine his administration, marks the beginning of a new era in Turkish politics.

The Turkish people not only elected Erdogan, but they also voted against the founding ideology of the Republic.

Life is a perpetual quest for renewal, and the not-so-uncommon pain of change often calls for a strong narrative. After all, one tends to find some comfort in the magic of words. The power of discourse allows us to blend yesterday's memories with the promise of today and the future.