Biden’s policy toward the Middle East

The new U.S. administration has declared that it intends to follow a “de-Trumpization policy” in the Middle East.

Biden s policy toward the Middle East
What the 3rd US intervention means for Gulf's future

What the 3rd US intervention means for Gulf's future

After U.S. President Donald Trump had the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Bahrain sign the Abraham Accords on Sept. 15 at the White House, people have been wondering which Arab country will be next.


Both sides of the Libyan conflict are getting ready for the Sirte-Jufra front. The attack on al-Watiya air base, probably by the United Arab Emirates (UAE), demonstrated both parties’ determination. As Turkey took precautions to prevent future attacks, Turkish Defense Minister Hulusi Akar held talks with the interior ministers of Libya and Malta on Monday.

Turkey has a very busy agenda ahead of itself for the month of June..

The Khashoggi case has led to a government reshuffle in the Saudi kingdom, which has resulted in a consolidation of power for MBS, the crown prince who came under fire for his link with the murder

No one was shocked by U.S. President Donald Trump's expression of solidarity with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS) last week.

Tough days ahead for Saudi Arabia

The Khashoggi murder will make the Saudis more dependent on external actors; this in turn could push it to become a common problem for the whole international community

Tough days ahead for Saudi Arabia
Turkey's 4 options in the wake of the Khashoggi assassination

Turkey's 4 options in the wake of the Khashoggi assassination

Turkey's sole purpose in the Khashoggi case is not to take part in any regional power struggles but to help find the actors responsible for the murder


The missing or killing of the Saudi journalist and intellectual, Jamal Khashoggi, will be remembered as a milestone not only for Saudi domestic politics, but also for the international perception of the Saudi regime.

If Washington cannot refresh its Middle East policy, particularly on Syria, Putin may use it as an opportunity to gain more influence in the region

The disappearance of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi will fuel anti-Riyadh sentiment in the Western world and damage Saudi Arabia's reputation across the globe

President Trump's foreign policy approach and rhetoric suggest that the United States will stick to a particularly crude brand of unilateralism permanently.

Riyadh has a long history of abductions and enforced disappearances when it comes to dissidents.

After the partnership between Saudi and the U.S., relations strengthened during the Salman period and Riyadh began to support the most secular groups in Syria

By calling for Muslim countries to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Palestine President Erdoğan shows the expected leadership at the OIC summit in Istanbul

As a result of the U.S.'s reluctant policy on Syria, other countries are obliged to bypass it and take the lead for the sake of their national interests

The new Saudi administration changing King Abdullah's 'engagement to the world' policy isolates Saudi Arabia in the region and risks its position in global balances

It seems that a strong power struggle among the grandsons of King Abdulaziz ibn Saud will determine the future of the country. The killing of his two grandsons and the confiscation of financial assets of leading businessmen for sure will have implications for Saudi politics in the near future.

The Trump administration, which is still completing its first year, has so far not produced any result other than consolidating Moscow in the Middle East.

Turkey's stabilizing role as a functioning democracy and strong market economy will be in higher demand in the coming months

Gulf nations must realize the danger of their current policies in the region and do something about it