Uniting the Syrian Opposition | The Components of the National Army and the Implications of the Unification

This analysis mainly focuses on the unification of all Syrian opposition under the Syrian Interim Government and gives policy recommendations.

Uniting the Syrian Opposition The Components of the National Army
US must change Turkey policy to fix relations

US must change Turkey policy to fix relations

James Jeffrey, Washington's special representative for Syria, visited the Turkish capital Ankara last week to hold talks on the proposed safe zone in northern Syria..


Pentagon officials continue to maintain the same dysfunctional and hostile policies against Turkey. They are now using Turkey's purchase of the S-400 air defense systems from Russia as a pretext to pressure and threaten Turkey. The Pentagon's recently resigned chief Patrick Shanahan had warned his Turkish counterpart Hulusi Akar about economic sanctions and the abandonment of military cooperation between the two NATO allies.

With no Daesh-held territories left and McGurk, Votel gone, time for the US to seriously reassess the role of CENTCOM and its policies

Turkish and American officials are actively working to coordinate the status of eastern Syria after the withdrawal of American troops. President Donald Trump previously announced the complete withdrawal of U.S. troops from Syria.

Turkish authorities are determined to find a sustainable solution to the problem created by the presence of the People's Protection Units (YPG) in northern Syria before the war-torn country reaches a permanent political solution.

Why did Putin reference the Adana agreement signed by Turkey, Syria?

By speaking of the Adana agreement signed between Ankara and Damascus in 1998, Russian President Putin aims to encourage both sides to cooperate together for the future of Syria

Why did Putin reference the Adana agreement signed by Turkey
How the US could sell Turkey on its Syria plan

How the US could sell Turkey on its Syria plan

In the wake of U.S. President Donald Trump's decision to withdraw from Syria, there has been a lot of movement in the areas to the east and west of the Euphrates River. In Manbij and Hasakah, bomb attacks targeted American troops.


Daesh terrorist group 'not an existential threat to the United States,' says Mark Kimmitt

U.S. President Donald Trump's decision to withdraw from Syria unleashed chaos within his administration. Trump's National Security Adviser John Bolton ruined his Turkey trip's chance of success by making a controversial statement in Tel Aviv.

Trump's foreign policy team aims to implement their own agenda but not the president's in Syria, deliberately ignoring orders he gave them regarding the region

U.S. National Security Adviser John Bolton will visit Turkey today with the chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff, Gen. Joseph Dunford, and the U.S. envoy to Syria, James Jeffrey. Late last week in a tweet, Bolton announced the purpose of the trip as "to discuss the withdrawal of U.S. forces from Syria, how we will work with allies & partners to prevent the resurgence of [Daesh], stand fast with those who fought with us against [Daesh], & counter Iranian malign behavior in the region."

U.S. President Donald Trump's decision to withdraw from Syria has sparked a coordinated campaign in Washington..

Following the announcement of the decision of the U.S. to withdraw from Syria last December, debates about this decision continued in the first week of the new year.

The US has announced that its operation against Daesh is over and that it will withdraw from Syria, after Turkey revealed its plans for an operation in the country.

Turkey's national security concerns, which have been fueled by the unpredictable and insecure moves by the United States in northern Syria, have pushed Ankara to take the lead in completely eradicating terror threats on its borders with a military offensive, experts have said.

Ankara has declared a counterterror offensive against the YPG, signaling that it is time for U.S. forces to step back from northern Syria in order to avoid a possible confrontation with the Turkish military

Ankara is perturbed by the U.S. plan to set up observation points in northern Syria controlled by the PKK-affiliated People's Protection Units (YPG) due to concerns that it may lead to legitimizing the group's presence in the area.

The same day the congressional elections took place in the U.S., the State Department announced that it would offer rewards for information leading to the arrest of three major PKK figures, namely Murat Karayılan, Cemil Bayık and Duran Kalkan.

The U.S. has decided to put a bounty on the heads of top three PKK terrorists. The step has been seen in Ankara as a belated move and insufficient to restore trust in ties, as Washington continues to back the YPG – the PKK's Syrian offshoot

President Erdoğan's visit to Paris for Armistice Day commemorations is expected to see a meeting with his U.S. counterpart Donald Trump, during which key issues, particularly FETÖ and the YPG, will be discussed