Why Does Turkey Care About Mosul?

Turkey is seeking to protect its economic and political interests in northern Iraq while fighting against PKK and ISIL.

Why Does Turkey Care About Mosul
The ISIL Threat as a New Geopolitical Variable

The ISIL Threat as a New Geopolitical Variable

The attack on Mosul and the fall of the second-largest city in Iraq may also have some serious consequences regarding the future of international and regional relations in the region.


Anti-democratic, authoritarian pro-Western regimes hindered political participation and representation to create a hospitable environment for radical organizations.

The difficulty with dealing with ISIS is also partly because of its demographics which has a lot to do with the use of multiple strategies.

Since the beginning of the American occupation, Turkey has consistently been one regional actor that has been most supportive of Iraq. It has consistently exerted the most effort towards Iraq’s consolidation.

How has ISIS, coming to the fore in Iraq and Syria, emerged? How has the basic philosophy of the organization been shaped and who are the leaders of this organization?

Turkey and the ISIL Nonsense

ISIL, which emerged in Iraq, did not need the Turkish border to get into Syria. Anyone who can read a map can see there is a 600 km border between Iraq and Syria. Furthermore, the political conditions that made ISIL possible have nothing to do with Turkey.

Turkey and the ISIL Nonsense
The Making of European Foreign Fighters

The Making of European Foreign Fighters

This study examines the case of European foreign fighters by employing a threefold analytical framework of identity-claims, meaning-making/motives and means of radicalization.
