Experts Respond: Political Crisis in Pakistan | The Reasons behind the Turmoil and Its Implications

The political situation in Pakistan is still not stable, and a new government is expected to be formed soon. However, at this point, it is important to understand the reasons that led to this turmoil and what the removal of Khan from office means for Pakistan. Within this framework, several experts from Turkey and Pakistan have briefly analyzed the events and their implications, not only for Pakistan but for the region and the world as well.

Experts Respond Political Crisis in Pakistan The Reasons behind the
Renewed crisis in South Asia The Kashmir problem

Renewed crisis in South Asia: The Kashmir problem

The most recent regional crisis erupted in South Asia after the Indian Air Force crossed into Pakistani air space in order to hit Kashmiri armed groups. The story of the crisis goes back to the end of British colonialism in the subcontinent.


With the U.S. warning of its withdrawal from the Middle East, the new balance of power in the world has begun to be established. The rapprochement between authoritarian Arab regimes and Europe alongside Saudi Arabia's search for convergence with Asian powers are just the consequences of it

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan talks a great deal about the nation's survival ahead of this month's municipal elections. The question in his mind goes beyond wealth and poverty, despite what the opposition seems to think.

This week some unexpected developments have occurred in international politics which signaled the direction of change in the international system.