Turkey Discovers Africa: Implications and Prospects

There has been a revival in Turkey’s relation with Africa after 1998. Initially this revival came as a passive attempt, but after 2005 it became an offensive interest in developing relations with the continent. The recent Turkey-Africa Cooperation Summit marks the latest stage in Turkey’s keen interest in developing relations with Africa, and should be seen as a turning point if it is followed with concrete projects in political and economic fields. The key challenge, however, lies in the mutual lack of knowledge and familiarity between the two regions, coupled with general uncertainty regarding how to further relations.

Turkey Discovers Africa Implications and Prospects
Distributional and Welfare Implications of the Recent Disinflation in Turkey

Distributional and Welfare Implications of the Recent Disinflation in Turkey

Turkey is among emerging economies that have experienced sharp declines (in the form of structural changes) in the level of inflation rate since the mid-1990s. Motivated by the availability of better data on financial system characteristics and distributional measures, this brief explores the distributional and welfare impacts of the recent reduction in inflation on the Turkish economy. In particular, the extent of financial dollarization and the inequality in the distribution of demand and term deposits are documented. This brief points out that apart from the classical adverse effects of inflation such as price distortions and wealth eroding; redistributive effects of inflation might be created by the particular way that the fiscal policy responds to the monetary policy.


 SETA PANEL DISCUSSION  Chair:     Taha Özhan, SETA    Panelists:     Ali Çarkoğlu, Sabancı Univ.       Cengiz Çandar, Radikal     Yavuz Baydar, Sabah  Date: June 15, 2011 Wednesday  Time: 14.00-16.00  Venue: SETA, Ankara