Alevis, identity politics and election strategies

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s visit to the Hüseyin Gazi Cemevi, an Alevi house of worship, following the recent assaults on three cemevis in Ankara came to be viewed as a sign that various identity groups were back on the political agenda. Some argued that Erdoğan’s visit, along with his plan to visit the Hacı Bektaş Lodge, was an 'investment for the election.'

Alevis identity politics and election strategies
Identity politics or national identity debate

Identity politics or national identity debate?

Turkey never ceases to debate 'identity politics' around elections. In previous elections, political parties tapped into distinctions between religious and secular citizens, Sunnis and Alevis, or Turks and Kurds, in open or veiled manners, to influence voters.


Although election day is approaching, the opposition bloc in Turkey, with their 'roundtable meetings,' cannot come up with a convincing agenda to excite the electorate

Turkey is at a time and place where neither the People’s Alliance nor the opposition can view the 2023 elections as a done deal

At the end of the day, the HDP wasted every single opportunity and failed the test of democracy.

It’s a joke when President Macron says ‘We are one’ while excluding Muslims, human rights activist tells Anadolu Agency

Turkish opposition in search of politics

Once again, Turkey’s main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP) leader, Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, started a new debate over early elections. This time around, he urged Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) Chairperson Devlet Bahçeli, whose movement is part of the pro-government People’s Alliance, to say “enough is enough” and lead the country to elections. Kılıçdaroğlu’s message was an obvious, yet timid, response to Bahçeli’s earlier call on the Good Party’s (IP) Meral Akşener to return home. Former Finance Minister Ali Babacan, who currently chairs the Democracy and Progress Party (DEVA), echoed the same sentiment, in a meeting with Kılıçdaroğlu and claimed that Turkey’s current system of government would not last until June 2023.

Turkish opposition in search of politics
Who are Kılıçdaroğlu's friendly advisers

Who are Kılıçdaroğlu's friendly advisers?

The Republican People’s Party’s (CHP) 37th Congress resulted in the strengthening of the already dominant politician, Chairman Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, as he attempts to reshape the movement. Over the last decade, the main opposition leader has failed in every election yet increased his party’s ability to ally itself with his counterparts of choice with every passing day.


The Hagia Sophia Grand Mosque's reopening, an embodiment of Turkey’s free will, could not have been possible without Erdoğan’s leadership and the Turkish people’s confidence in him. Hagia Sophia’s "resurrection" has become a symbol of Turkey’s efforts to become a prominent player in the international arena. A missing piece of our national identity has thus been put back in place. No politician would ever dare to reverse this decision as long as Turkey remains a democracy.

All eyes in Turkey are set on this month's municipal elections, yet a significant transformation is underway in the Middle East. U.S. President Donald Trump, whose Jerusalem move drew ire, recognized Israel's annexation of the Golan Heights in a radical overhaul of U.S. foreign policy.

Neoliberal consensus has dissolved across Europe over the past 10 years..

Although the protesters' anger is directed against French elitism, we cannot afford to ignore that the ongoing crisis is crucial to the future of Europe and democracies around the world

This time the pollsters in the U.S. did not fail to accurately predict the major outcome of the elections..

After the 2018 midterm elections, the Democrats' focus will be more on domestic affairs, while Trump intends to pursue a more active foreign policy and use it as a political opportunity

After its foundation in October 2017, the Good Party (İP) has already faced multiple serious crises in the political arena.

In one of the most debated books in the U.S., "Political Tribes: Group Instinct and the Fate of the Nations," Amy Chua, a Yale University professor, wrote about how identity politics abroad is often missed by the U.S. and how this negligence has generated major failures in U.S. foreign policy.

All major political movements in Turkey have already started planning for the 2019 election

Today this dichotomy carries no meaning anymore on the current European political stage, neither for Europe's domestic politics nor in terms of its regard toward Turkey. Identity politics has prevailed over strategy in Europe

One in the aftermath of the June 7, 2015 elections, there was talk of the AK Party getting divided and a fifth party finding a place for itself on the political stage. However, today, it is possible the MHP, CHP and HDP could spin off new parties

The results of the elections show that the AK Party received another election victory.