New era for Turkish-Iraqi ties heralds key developments

Türkiye and Iraq issued a joint statement following last week’s security summit in Baghdad, marking the beginning of a new chapter in bilateral relations.

New era for Turkish-Iraqi ties heralds key developments
Codes of messages on 97th anniversary of MIT's establishment

Codes of messages on 97th anniversary of MIT's establishment

To understand how Türkiye sees the world’s dangerous trends, it is crucial to go over the statements made at the National Intelligence Organization’s (MIT) 97th anniversary event.


Türkiye carried out airstrikes in Syria and Iraq last week in response to a terrorist attack against the Interior Ministry in Ankara. During that period, one statement and one picture attracted plenty of attention.

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan visited the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) and Azerbaijan earlier this week.

Since the restructuring of the state administration in the wake of the failed coup attempt in July 2016, Türkiye has been following a holistic foreign policy. Several significant changes were made to increase the effectiveness of Turkish foreign policy.

The opposition elites, by contrast, cannot rid themselves of "othering" – secularist fanaticism. They are certainly miles away from having the kind of self-confidence needed to govern a country like Turkey.

Can Turkey and Egypt fully normalize relations?

Turkey and Egypt, which have been experiencing a tense relationship since the military coup against the democratically elected government of Mohammed Morsi in July 2013, have initiated a new diplomatic dialogue in response to changing regional and global dynamics.

Can Turkey and Egypt fully normalize relations
France Greece face biggest problem in East Med

France, Greece face biggest problem in East Med

Libya has become a major focal point of the power struggle in the Eastern Mediterranean. That country’s future is directly related to energy politics, European security and North Africa’s stability. The United States Africa Command’s (AFRICOM) most recent announcement about Russian aircraft bombing Libyan government forces in Sirte demonstrated how closely Washington is watching the Russian presence in Libya – despite major distractions like the upcoming presidential election.


Despite the dominance of the coronavirus pandemic, the Libyan crisis is high on the agenda of international politics. The world has been watching the success of the Turkish-backed legitimate government against putschist Gen. Khalifa Haftar.

Earlier this week, senior Turkish officials visited the U.S. capital to prevent further deterioration of bilateral relations. Treasury and Finance Minister Berat Albayrak, Defense Minister Hulusi Akar, Trade Minister Ruhsar Pekcan and Presidential Spokesman Ibrahim Kalın shared Turkey's perspective with their counterparts.

It's no surprise that we are seeing fake news about Manbij circulating in the media as the Syrian city is a significant location that will eventually shape the future of the whole country

The U.S. has decided to put a bounty on the heads of top three PKK terrorists. The step has been seen in Ankara as a belated move and insufficient to restore trust in ties, as Washington continues to back the YPG – the PKK's Syrian offshoot

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan appointed new members to the nine Presidential Councils, according to the Official Gazette. The names include former politicians, academicians, bureaucrats and experts from public and private sectors, as well as prominent intellectuals, writers, artists, journalists and businessman, who would advise the president on certain issues.

Turkey and Uzbekistan have had tense relations for decades.

The Turkey-U.S. relations can get better if Washington takes measure against terror threats to its NATO ally

In addition to the Syrian crisis, Ankara and Washington have not been able to come to an agreement on Turkey's possible purchase of Russian-made defense systems.

Anti-Muslim racism is spreading and becoming a tool of antagonist politics, sensational journalism and religious exclusivism across Europe, shows the latest European Islamophobia Report

Anti-Muslim racism is spreading and becoming a tool of antagonist politics, sensational journalism and religious exclusivism across Europe, shows the latest European Islamophobia Report

SETA organized a panel on Monday and presented the "European Islamophobia Report 2015" with the participation of presidential spokesman İbrahim Kalın.

In an op-ed piece published by The Washington Post last week, Mort Abramowitz and Eric Edelman, former U.S. ambassadors to Turkey, called on President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan to "reform or resign." What a joke!

The PKK's new strategic discourse in its fight against the state is determined by the HDP's leadership which has recently brought up the ‘self-governance' debate. In this way, the HDP's organic connection with the PKK has been proven with the party's own hand.