US' bad record of illegal 'recognitions'

Recently, the United States has taken critical steps to 'recognize' certain historical developments. These “recognitions” are unilateral actions that, for the most part, challenge the basic principles of international law.

US' bad record of illegal 'recognitions'
Moody's love of Fetullah Gülen

Moody's love of Fetullah Gülen

Moody's report, which was probably written with direction from FETÖ, aims to devalue the Turkish lira


The details of Hrant Dink’s assassination are frightening. Not because they reveal an underground gang or a secret terrorist organization but because they are so ordinary. Ogun Samast, the assassin, is a 17-year-old youth from Trabzon.  He is described by his family and friends as somewhat angry and temperamental. He played soccer in an amateur club. His school record is not bright. He smokes. He socializes with his friends. He has a family. And he is 17 years old.All of these details lead us not to a monstrous killer but to an average person. And this is what is scary about the whole crime.

The deadlock created by the discussions on judicial independence and impartiality during the presidential election process and the extension of the discussions to the realm of fundamental rights and freedoms with a particular reference to the headscarf issue drew attention to what policy the AK Party would pursue to address these issues in the new term.