Sochi and Warsaw: Two summits with competing agendas

Two meetings took place earlier this week in Warsaw and Sochi that were crucial for the future of the Middle East.

Sochi and Warsaw Two summits with competing agendas
Reflections on the Sochi summit

Reflections on the Sochi summit

At the Sochi summit, Erdoğan, along with Russian President Vladimir Putin and Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, reiterated their commitment to work together in finding a solution to the Syrian conflict.


A new year has begun and there is no shortage of political debate in Turkey. The U.S. withdrawal from Syria and the March 31 municipal elections are among the most critical issues on the agenda. Let's focus on Syria today.

U.S. President Donald Trump came under fire for his decision to pull out of Syria. Critics argue that Washington's withdrawal marks a rare and clear victory for Russia, and claim that the United States looked like an unreliable ally by "betraying" the People's Protection Units (YPG), the PKK terrorist organization's Syrian affiliate.

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan held talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Sochi on Monday. .

Regime leader Assad wants to claim victory over Idlib to prove he has Syrian lands under his control, says analyst

Three questions surrounding the Idlib crisis

It is crucial that the international community concentrates on diplomatic efforts to revive the political process, and it must also put more pressure on Russia, Iran and the Assad regime to prevent the imminent military offensive against Idlib

Three questions surrounding the Idlib crisis
The outcome of the Tehran summit

The outcome of the Tehran summit

The Tehran trilateral summit did not result in the best solution to the crisis in Idlib, but it was a good starting point for the peace process


The war of words between U.S. President Donald Trump and his Iranian counterpart, Hassan Rouhani, entered a new stage, as Iran's president, commonly known as a moderate reformist, moved closer to hardliners such as Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei and General Qasem Suleimani.

The Tehran government needs to think twice before taking any steps in domestic and foreign policies as internal turmoil has not ended yet

The Helsinki summit between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin did not yield any tangible outcomes, but can be described as a good start to discussing several bilateral and regional problems

The Trump administration's new Iran strategy, as highlighted by Pompeo in his first public speech, will negatively affect the lives of ordinary Iranians rather than the ruling elites

The Ankara summit, which facilitated closer cooperation between Turkey, Russia and Iran in Syria, fueled two concerns in Western capitals

If anybody thought that Daesh's defeat would lead to de-escalation in Syria, they must be seriously disappointed..

Trump could not get what he wanted from the Iranian protests and took another wrong step in the Middle East

As a result of the U.S.'s reluctant policy on Syria, other countries are obliged to bypass it and take the lead for the sake of their national interests

In addition to the Syrian crisis, Ankara and Washington have not been able to come to an agreement on Turkey's possible purchase of Russian-made defense systems.

Turkey's Western allies, which conveniently turned a blind eye to Ankara's vital interests, have effectively compelled the Turks to work more closely with Moscow and Tehran.

The first ever OIC Summit on Science and Technology started a historical process through which multifaceted issues related to scientific research, higher education reform, financing and the commercialization of technology began to be discussed as strategic priorities

It is true that the Iran expansionism is one of the great threats that must be stopped. However, Trump's current policy on Iran could only cause more chaos and terror in the Middle East