Pension reform riot: A specter of yellow vests haunting Macron

In France, the Emmanuel Macron administration has been facing a new challenge in recent weeks after the "yellow vest" protests that swept the country in 2018. The controversial pension reform, which has been on the agenda for a long time, is causing protests across the country. Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin announced that more than 850 demonstrators had been detained over demonstrations against the reform. Moreover, daily life in the country has been paralyzed by union-led strikes and slowdowns.

Pension reform riot A specter of yellow vests haunting Macron
Football and politics The French fiasco

Football and politics: The French fiasco

The fiasco in the Champions League final match in Paris reminds us how wrong and biased France was when it fought against Turkey's CL campaign years ago


The French votes reveal that right-wing populism will continue to influence the European political domain in the near future