Arab Spring: A flashback to past 10 years

The wave of democratization, which began with the Jasmine Revolution in Tunisia, took down the authoritarian leaders of Egypt, Libya and Yemen. Whereas the uprising in Bahrain was crushed thanks to Saudi Arabia’s military intervention, Iran and Russia ensured the survival of Bashar Assad’s regime in Syria.

Arab Spring A flashback to past 10 years
Why would Turkey re-engage Bashar Assad

Why would Turkey re-engage Bashar Assad?

After eight long years, the Syrian civil war remains a key issue for Turkey. The fight against terrorist groups, the refugee crisis and bilateral relations with the great powers are at the heart of Turkey's domestic politics and foreign policy...


After three days of intense negotiations, Turkey and the U.S. reached an agreement on the proposed safe zone in Syria. Both sides issued written statements to announce the establishment of a joint operations center and reaffirm their commitment to addressing Turkey's security concerns.

Turkish and American officials are actively working to coordinate the status of eastern Syria after the withdrawal of American troops. President Donald Trump previously announced the complete withdrawal of U.S. troops from Syria.

After U.S. President Donald Trump's decision to withdraw U.S. soldiers from Syria and his ensuing statements where he attributes the strong positive role that Turkey would play in the fight with remnants of Daesh, many analysts in Western media have expressed their doubts.

The best option for Washington is to work with Ankara in the withdrawal process, as terrorist groups are fanning the flames in Syria, just as they did in the bloody Manbij suicide attack

Turkey will shoulder the 'heavy burden' of ending terror in Syria - Erdogan

President Erdogan said the US withdrawal from Syria must be planned carefully and with the right partners, and that Ankara was counting on the international community to stand with Turkey in its commitment to eliminating terror in Syria.

Turkey will shoulder the 'heavy burden' of ending terror in
A safe Manbij means a safe Syria

A safe Manbij means a safe Syria

It's no surprise that we are seeing fake news about Manbij circulating in the media as the Syrian city is a significant location that will eventually shape the future of the whole country


Turkey and the Trump administration must actively coordinate their efforts to plan the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Syria. Trump's pledge to leave Syria slowly and in coordination with Turkey was a good sign. Still, both sides must be vigilant to ensure that U.S. Central Command won't derail the process

Cooperating with Turkey is the most rational way for President Trump to successfully implement his decision to withdraw U.S. troops from Syria

The US has announced that its operation against Daesh is over and that it will withdraw from Syria, after Turkey revealed its plans for an operation in the country.

President Erdoğan's visit to Paris for Armistice Day commemorations is expected to see a meeting with his U.S. counterpart Donald Trump, during which key issues, particularly FETÖ and the YPG, will be discussed

Turkey has said it is resolutely committed to clearing the YPG terror threat from northeastern Syria and recently shelled YPG positions along its borders. Experts say Ankara will no longer wait around for the Manbij deal and will take any necessary steps to address the issue

While long distance has been covered against Daesh on many fronts, war is still far from complete

Turkey has executed two successful military operations in northern Syria. After Operation Euphrates Shield, Turkish security forces undertook Operation Olive Branch with fewer human losses and less cost.

It took just 58 days for the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) and Free Syrian Army (FSA) to liberate the Afrin city center.

The U.S. should have realised that Turkey was not bluffing about clearing its border from all terrorist elements

Under a new counter-terrorism policy, Turkey is committed to neutralizing national security threats in Syria and Iraq whether European leaders like it or not

Contrary to claims from some malicious circles, the main reason for Turkey's presence in Syria is to purge its border of terrorist elements

In one of the most debated books in the U.S., "Political Tribes: Group Instinct and the Fate of the Nations," Amy Chua, a Yale University professor, wrote about how identity politics abroad is often missed by the U.S. and how this negligence has generated major failures in U.S. foreign policy.

Operation Olive Branch expedited a process that will determine the future of the People's Protection Units (YPG), the PKK terrorist organization's Syrian branch.