Greece 'not sincere and honest' on Aegean, East Med: Turkish foreign minister

Mevlut Cavusoglu says Athens blocks pathway to justice on existing issues

Greece 'not sincere and honest' on Aegean East Med Turkish
Four dimensions of the Cyprus issue

Four dimensions of the Cyprus issue

'The Cyprus question lies at the center of all Turkish-Greek relations and conflicts. It is a precondition for solving other bilateral issues between the two countries'


The Western world is in a deep political and social crisis due to the Western people losing faith in liberal institutions and values, obscurity around NATO's future and NATO losing its credibility

Türkiye has pursued normalization with the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Israel and Saudi Arabia over the last two years, which enabled that country to strengthen its bilateral cooperation with the participants of both summits.

U.S. President Joe Biden paid a three-day official visit to the Middle East between July 13-16 in order to renew its engagement with the region and strengthen its strategic partnership with the regional allies.

The visit had global-level dynamics. On one hand, both countries want to decrease their respective dependencies on global powers and need to cooperate with one another. On the other hand, they want to increase their global autonomy. They have begun to instrumentalize a global power against the other.

Managing realpolitik is difficult

The Ukraine-Russia war has revealed another important feature of the current world system, which is in a great transformation.

Managing realpolitik is difficult
Ideological fight on refugees and their return

Ideological fight on refugees and their return

'The opposition has a democratic right to criticize the Turkish government’s refugee policy. That right, however, should be exercised without poisoning the country’s democratic culture'


The Turkish government's new diplomatic initiative with its regional and global partners is based on logic, while the opposition still has no idea why it rejects the process

As a provider of security and stability, Turkey has the potential to become the balancing power in the Gulf region

It has now been almost a decade since scholars, observers and policymakers started discussing the state of U.S. leadership in the world.

The U.S. president's 'democracy' gathering is another failed move to restore America's global image

Afghanistan turned out to be an area of cooperation between Ankara and Washington, as U.S. policymakers began to describe Turkey as 'an invaluable partner in the region' – instead of 'our so-called ally.'

Washington handed over Afghanistan to the Taliban, demonstrating that the 'great power competition' was the name of the game. Likewise, it became clear that Trump was not the only supporter of 'putting American interests first.'

Turkey has been enjoying good relations with three Gulf states – Qatar, Oman and Kuwait – for decades. However, Turkey’s relations with the other three members of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) – the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Bahrain and Saudi Arabia – worsened due to their conflicting perspectives toward the Arab insurgencies.

The 2021 NATO summit in Brussels saw a more positive atmosphere than the 2019 London summit. Many important issues were mentioned in the 79-item communique presented in Brussels. The coming days will show what concrete steps are taken from the long agenda that seems more like a wish list at the moment

The leaders of the EU held another high-level meeting at the end of June. The meeting came after a busy diplomatic schedule for the month. With the G-7, NATO and U.S.-EU summits in June 2021, trans-Atlantic relations gained new momentum under Joe Biden's presidency in the U.S.

Turkish and American politicians, media and the public had been waiting for the meeting between President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and U.S. President Joe Biden on June 14, on the sidelines of the NATO Leaders Summit in Brussels.

How are the bilateral relations since the new U.S. administration took office? What are the potential topics to be discussed? What can be expected from the summit?

Yemeni civilians suffer the most from the conflicts of interest between Saudi Arabia and Iran. The crisis, both political and military in nature, has affected the entire Middle East region for years

Next week the members of NATO will gather in Brussels for the 31st formal meeting of the heads of states and heads of governments. Since the last meeting of the organization in London in December 2019, there have been significant changes around the globe.