The political economy of the transformation of Islamic finance in Turkey

In this study, the history of Islamic finance in Turkey is scrutinized by considering its development in the world through present and future projections.

The political economy of the transformation of Islamic finance in
How can Turkey and Qatar strengthen their Economic Ties

How can Turkey and Qatar strengthen their Economic Ties?

To strengthen economic relations, Turkey and Qatar should finalize the ongoing free trade agreement negotiations, enable the use of local currencies as the medium of exchange in bilateral trade, and investment agencies from both countries should work together.


Turkey will continue to resist speculative attacks orchestrated by domestic and international investors with an optimal mixture of prudent governance and counter-speculative moves made by key market players

Despite strong volatilies in the exchange rate due to global factors, Turkey's economic risk levels are not objectively assessed

When the larger picture that takes the "Trump factor" and rising global economic tensions into account is analyzed, it is clear that the turbulent period in the global economy might be with the U.S. well into the medium term.

Turkey should switch its financial system from debt-based finance to equity-based finance to meet the manufacturing industry’s need for new investments.

The Turkish Economy in the Aftermath of the Failed Coup Attempt

The negative effects of the failed coup attempt have remained limited due to Turkey’s strong macroeconomic indicators, strong public finance, sustainable current account deficit, private sector efforts and comforting statements of policymakers and economists.

The Turkish Economy in the Aftermath of the Failed Coup
Deconstructing the Gülenist Coup Attempt A Political Economy Perspective

Deconstructing the Gülenist Coup Attempt: A Political Economy Perspective

Gülenist groups managed to form a massive web of human cells, over the years, placed in the higher echelons of the security establishment, intelligence institutions, the judiciary, bureaucracy, academia and the business circles in the country.


Reminding of its credible history in terms of ability to repay, and underlining the ongoing efforts for strengthened political and economic prospects, Turkey invites all interested global associates to closely witness its sincere dedication to a bright future.

Which constitutional regime provides a better political framework for the foundation of development-friendly institutional compacts and effective state-business relations?

This analysis tries to evaluate the effectiveness of the G20 on changing the global financial landscape.