Can EU formulate an autonomous policy in Afghanistan?

The United States and the European Union do not share the same views on Afghanistan. In the midst of a new crisis, Europe needs more autonomous foreign policy planning and implementation

Can EU formulate an autonomous policy in Afghanistan
Sofa Gate Draghi What's next in Turkey-EU affairs

Sofa Gate, Draghi: What's next in Turkey-EU affairs?

The most unfortunate reaction to the made-up scandal came from Italy, whose recently appointed prime minister, Mario Draghi, made the following statement: 'I disagree with the way President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan treated Ursula. We must be frank with these dictators but, at the same time, cooperate with them for the sake of our nations’ interests.'


Turkey's relations with Washington and Brussels have been in decline for the last several years. This downward trend in diplomatic relations has paused but the accord has not yet been transformed into a more constructive one.

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s visit to Azerbaijan and the European Union leaders summit will be the top items on Turkey’s foreign policy agenda this week.

The dangerous escalation in the Eastern Mediterranean has given way to dialogue and negotiations.

The Eastern Mediterranean question, like a ghost train, shuttles around and around, plunging the global agenda into fright with each passing day.

Modern crises in the era of disunity

This week some unexpected developments have occurred in international politics which signaled the direction of change in the international system.

Modern crises in the era of disunity
The ugly face of power

The ugly face of power

The Europeans are following in America's footsteps, revealing that they only care about their own interests. Their support for Egypt proves that


The ongoing rift between the U.S. and the EU countries in NATO hints at the slow collapse of the Western alliance

Western actors especially should consider revising their positions on Syria and the refugee crisis before exerting pressure on Ankara, which has already taken in 2.7 million refugees and spent $9 billion for their care.