Türkiye's place in NATO questioned amid provocations in Europe

It is no secret that some Western governments have been unhappy with Ankara's autonomous foreign policy in recent years, so some have questioned Türkiye's NATO membership and policies

Türkiye's place in NATO questioned amid provocations in Europe
A lost year in Turkish-EU relations

A lost year in Turkish-EU relations

2021 was not filled with many positive stories about Turkish-European Union relations. At the end of 2020, in a report published The Foundation for Political, Economic and Social Research (SETA), we assessed the conclusion of cautious optimism for 2021. While the side of caution prevails, the optimism has been delayed for yet another year.


In today's global and regional developments, the Western world's otherizing and alienating of Turkey is nothing but an ideological blindness

The leader of Turkey's main opposition party continues to make unrealistic statements about Syrian refugees. CHP's leader, who has frequently come forward with racist and xenophobic statements, now promises to send Syrian refugees back to their country

Insight Turkey, one of the leading academic journals in Turkey and the Middle East, discusses the European Union in its final issue.