Diplomatic push for peace: Türkiye's efforts in Gaza

Since the early days of the post-Oct. 7 period, Türkiye has been insistently trying to de-escalate the tension in Palestine and to find a way for a lasting cease-fire. In the wake of the Al-Aqsa Flood and the first Israeli reactions, Türkiye called both sides not to escalate the tension. However, with the full support of the global Western powers, the Israeli side intensified its ruthless military campaign against innocent Palestinian civilians, the majority of whom are children and women, with full steam. Türkiye has been following an exceptional policy toward the Gaza crisis. It has taken several significant initiatives since Oct. 7.

Diplomatic push for peace Türkiye's efforts in Gaza
Erdoğan's messages from the Tashkent summit

Erdoğan's messages from the Tashkent summit

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan visited Tashkent, Uzbekistan, for the 16th Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) Summit. Besides attending ECO’s General Assembly meeting, he held meetings with the host, Uzbekistan’s President Shavkat Mirziyoyev, as well as Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and President Ersin Tatar of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC).


In the post-pandemic order, Ankara seeks to explore new opportunities and find ways to reduce regional tensions

President Erdoğan's recent visit to Turkmenistan provides significant clues about the Turkic world's goals and perspectives

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, a Turkish world from the “Adriatic Sea to the Chinese Wall” became a new topic of discussion in Turkish policy circles. While Turkey tried to develop close political, economic and cultural relations with the newly independent Central Asian Republics, the mid and late 1990s witnessed a steady decline in the relations and failed to produce any concrete results. With its new foreign policy outlook, Turkey is seeking to increase its field of sphere in Central Asia by revitalizing its efforts to reconnect with the sister Turkish states. Security, economic cooperation, energy and civil society initiatives are the new dynamics of the Turkish-Central Asian relations.