'Table for six' in Türkiye fails to serve

The opposition bloc is unable to present a feasible alternative for governing Türkiye despite considering themselves as the opposite of the ruling Justice and Development Party (AK Party)

Table for six' in Türkiye fails to serve
4 discrepancies in table for six in Türkiye

4 discrepancies in ‘table for six’ in Türkiye

Needless to say, the election is just 11 months away and the People’s Alliance does a better job at highlighting the various contradictions of the “table for six.” Following in Erdoğan’s footsteps, the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) Chairperson Devlet Bahçeli has been criticizing the profile of the opposition’s potential candidate.


President Erdoğan's election campaign focuses on new rational reforms ranging from economic growth to multidimensional foreign policy, draining momentum away from his opponents

The global political economy is going through a turbulent period in which emerging powers such as Turkey are increasingly forced to monitor new conditions and produce fast and effective policy responses.

Turkey will be holding snap elections on June 24. President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan announced the decision to hold early elections on Wednesday.

The transition to a presidential system with the June 24 snap elections will provide time and space for necessary reforms in the country while reducing political uncertainty and increasing resilience against possible regional and diplomatic crises

Early Elections in Turkey

There's something special about each election cycle, but the November 2015 race will be extraordinary.

Early Elections in Turkey