Experts Respond: All Eyes on NATO, 6 Takeaways from the Emergency Summit

This study presents the views of leading experts on NATO’s emergency summit.

Experts Respond All Eyes on NATO 6 Takeaways from the
Turkey's role in the Ukrainian crisis

Turkey's role in the Ukrainian crisis

Turkey, which did not recognize the annexation of Crimea, supports Ukraine’s territorial integrity. At the same time, it wants Russia and Ukraine – countries, with which it has cordial relations – to resolve the Donbass crisis through negotiations. Again, Russia could find it more suitable to work with Turkey in the Black Sea, as it already does in the Caucasus.


The country is wedged between an aggressive power and idle disunity, suffering from a lack of independence

An assessment of the international system's current state and Turkey's foreign policy helps us anticipate what awaits us in 2022.

The tension in Eastern Europe is on the rise again following Russia’s recent buildup of troops near the Ukrainian border where Russia-backed separatists have been fighting Ukrainian forces.

Logic of Turkey’s diplomatic activism

In the post-pandemic order, Ankara seeks to explore new opportunities and find ways to reduce regional tensions

Logic of Turkey s diplomatic activism
The West's ideological blindness toward Turkey

The West's ideological blindness toward Turkey

In today's global and regional developments, the Western world's otherizing and alienating of Turkey is nothing but an ideological blindness


This analysis attempts to explain developments in the Donbas region of Eastern Ukraine, where a low-intensity armed conflict has been taking place since early 2014. The Kyiv authorities, on the one hand, and the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) and Luhansk People’s Republic (LPR), on the other, are the two major parties to the conflict. Meanwhile, Russia is perceived as the main supporter of the two unrecognized republics of Donetsk and Luhansk.

Turkey’s neighborhood is experiencing a new wave of heightened diplomatic activity, as tensions over Ukraine’s Donbass region de-escalate following a phone call between U.S. President Joe Biden and Russian President Vladimir Putin.

United States President Joe Biden took another step against Russia last week, as Washington imposed fresh sanctions on Moscow over the latter’s alleged meddling in the 2020 presidential election and cyberattacks.

The European Union’s leaders are still preoccupied with the 'protocol crisis' they conjured up last week, as Turkey launches a diplomatic offensive.

Ukraine’s Donbass region is, once again, at the top of the global agenda. Tensions have escalated there following the March 26 killing of four Ukrainian soldiers by Russian-backed separatists, as Moscow and Kyiv started a war or words. Sergey Lavrov, the Russian foreign minister, threatened that 'any attempt to start a new war in Donbass could destroy Ukraine.' In truth, Lavrov merely uttered those words on Russian President Vladimir Putin’s behalf.

North Macedonia’s accession to the Alliance does not give promising signs of rapprochement between Russia and NATO