AK Party, MHP agree on domestic, foreign policy issues

The ongoing negotiations between the AK Party and MHP..

AK Party MHP agree on domestic foreign policy issues
Hariri resigns as Saudi Arabia Iran struggle for power

Hariri resigns as Saudi Arabia, Iran struggle for power

The growing rift between Saudi Arabia and Iran, which recently caused Lebanese PM Hariri to resign, will soon impact others in the region, too


Ahead of Turkey's 2019 elections, the country will be compelled to deal with domestic and international challenges.

Just because they think it serves Erdoğan's interests, Westerners and the opposition are trying to discredit the Turkish people's great resistance against the coup attempt on July 15

The moments of people from all backgrounds standing united against coup forces last July will be remembered by future generations as the proudest moments in Turkey's history

The legacy of July 15, which brought together people from various backgrounds for the sake of Turkey's future, must be kept alive for the next generations

AK Party's To Do List After the Congress

The AK Party's insistence for dynamism and change will help refresh itself in the new period under the leadership of Erdoğan

AK Party's To Do List After the Congress
A New Period of Progress Democracy Transformation and Reform

A New Period of Progress: Democracy, Transformation and Reform

The post-congress transformation of Turkey's political economy will move along the axes of high economic growth and developmentalism, institutional and structural reforms and political normalization


What are the decisive factors in Turkey’s relations with various regions and partners? What policy should Turkey adopt to enhance or establish amicable relations and sustain existing ones? What is the place of the “increasing friends” policy in the near future of Turkish foreign policy?

As the power balance of the world is re-designed based on economic interests and changing policies, Turkey, as an emerging power, is taking its place among the winners

The Trump administration's Middle East policy runs the risk of aggravating the existing chaos in the region. Under the current circumstances, countries without serious domestic problems stand to benefit from the wind of change.

Thanks to the mobilizing force of the new communication tools, the people went out in the streets in their epic struggle against the junta.

The public debate on constitutional reform and presidentialism is symptomatic of broader changes in state-society relations in Turkey

The international community fails to understand the gravity of the terrorism threat around the world. Turkey was the target today, but no one knows who will be next

The U.S. has been defending the coup plotters so desperately that one can't help but wonder why they won't stop supporting FETÖ

Erdoğan ignores the Constitutional Court's decision which disrupts Turkey's efforts to become a state of law

The words "We ask God to rescue us from this suffering. I'm 53 years old and have seen enough.

American administration does not want a serious role in Iraq anymore, at least not under Obama's leadership. The next president should volunteer to make serious political investments and be a sponsor for the political rapprochement in Iraq. Without a rapprochement in Iraq and Syria, the chaos will continue and ISIS will make use of it to last longer.

The most important issue facing the AK Party, and of course the Parliament that has been shaped by the Nov. 1 elections, is the writing up of a new, civilian constitution.

Writing forty years ago in the "Journal of Contemporary History" Andrew Mango, the prominent British historian of modern Turkey, noted Turkey's potential new role in the Middle East as a "middle-power." He observed that "Turkey is socially and technologically the most advanced country of the Muslim Middle East.

Foreign policy activities of Turkey continue in distant and different lands of the world, and Somalia is the best example of this.