Coup allegations, Boğaziçi University and the real agenda of Turkey

llegations of a coup dominated Turkey’s political arena before the Muslim headscarf controversy could be put to bed. From a journalist’s dream of “a great natural disaster” to topple President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan to a former military commander claiming that the 1960 coup could have been avoided if an early election had been called, to the attempted birth of an opposition movement over the appointment of Boğaziçi University’s new rector, Turkey is dealing with a range of fierce debates. All of these conflicts attest to the resilience of the idea of Kemalist tutelage, which simply refuses to respect popular will.

Coup allegations Boğaziçi University and the real agenda of Turkey
The Evidence against Fetullah Gülen behind Coup Attempt

The Evidence against Fetullah Gülen behind Coup Attempt

The evidence contained in case files against the coup plotters clearly say that last summer's coup attempt was orchestrated by FETÖ members


Just because they think it serves Erdoğan's interests, Westerners and the opposition are trying to discredit the Turkish people's great resistance against the coup attempt on July 15

The moments of people from all backgrounds standing united against coup forces last July will be remembered by future generations as the proudest moments in Turkey's history

The legacy of July 15, which brought together people from various backgrounds for the sake of Turkey's future, must be kept alive for the next generations

Analysis will scrutinize the challenges and probable courses to steer the TAF out of the current dilemmas, and will offer a perspective on the combat readiness and the transformation of the civil-military relation in the post-July 15 Turkey.

July 15 Coup Attempt in Turkey: Context, Causes and Consequences

The book presents different perspectives focusing on political, economic, sociological and psychological aspects of the factors leading up to, the events during and aftermath of this historic date.

July 15 Coup Attempt in Turkey Context Causes and Consequences
The Turkish Economy in the Aftermath of the Failed Coup

The Turkish Economy in the Aftermath of the Failed Coup Attempt

The negative effects of the failed coup attempt have remained limited due to Turkey’s strong macroeconomic indicators, strong public finance, sustainable current account deficit, private sector efforts and comforting statements of policymakers and economists.


It is meaningless to condemn the coup attempt without taking action against the leading putschist. A decisive step by the US government to change the negative perception held by the Turkish public would be the extradition of Gülen to Turkey.

Thanks to the mobilizing force of the new communication tools, the people went out in the streets in their epic struggle against the junta.

For what it is worth, the Western antagonism did nothing but further unite the Turkish people. Today, the people are aware of their power and this has made them stronger than ever; a notion that the West has long taught but little supported.

The paper focuses on the consequences and influences of the 15th July military coup attempt in the context of Turkey’s near political future.

The Gülenist soldiers who attempted this coup fired on civilians and the state's security forces. In the clashes that occurred, dozens of innocent people lost their lives alongside those who attempted the coup