Ambitious measures taken for Istanbul's urban transformation: Özhaseki

The Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change Minister Mehmet Özhaseki has revealed a comprehensive four-step road map for the urban transformation of Istanbul, emphasizing the urgency of preparing the city for potential disasters, particularly earthquakes.

Ambitious measures taken for Istanbul's urban transformation Özhaseki
The Earthquakes Impact on Agriculture

The Earthquakes’ Impact on Agriculture

On top of the long-term impact of climate change, the coronavirus pandemic started in 2020 and continued for approximately two years. Subsequently, the Russia-Ukraine war took a toll on agriculture and food supply security. Just as those negative repercussions were weakening, Türkiye experienced massive earthquakes – one of the worst disasters in world history – in winter conditions. The country was compelled to raise a Level 4 alarm to heal the wounds and request international assistance.


We will implement all principles of modern urbanization in resilient, smart, and climate-friendly cities. The survivors have lost their relatives and loved ones. They suffer a great deal and we suffer with them. We will heal their wounds. We will build new homes for them as quickly as possible to alleviate their pain to some extent.

Türkiye just experienced massive earthquakes in February. We must never forget this catastrophe – which has been described as the “disaster of the century.” We have all witnessed how devastating the earthquake was. May Allah protect our country from such disasters in the future. The Housing Development Administration (TOKİ) mobilized in the disaster’s immediate aftermath and, under the leadership of our esteemed minister, started operating in the quake zone.

The edited volume combines two broad objectives. First, it intends to present an alarming and innovative perspective on climate change through case studies from around the world. Second, it will provide a new perspective on migration from the perspective of global and regional dynamics that force people to migrate. With a special emphasis on Türkiye’s climate change policy and its organizational capacity to meet new challenges that have emerged, especially after its successful response to the massive influx of Syrian refugees, the edited volume overall aims to inspire international organizations and governments to find long-term solutions to this dynamic process.

In particular, earthquake-resilient housing retrofitting or reconstruction needs massive additional funding schemes, as public or individual funding mechanisms could never be sufficient. In addition, millions of private properties or residential buildings built before 2000 require urgent strengthening or rebuilding.

Where do things currently stand on Turkish-American ties?

The meetings held by the Turkish delegation during their visit to Washington earlier this week once again showed how necessary constant dialogue is due to the busy agenda of Turkish-American relations. Apart from bilateral issues, Türkiye and the United States need to step up their efforts in order to work together on regional and global issues. It is no secret that there are issues where the two NATO allies do not agree or, worse yet, pursue opposing policies. However, many challenges such as hot war, food crisis, energy, great power rivalry and climate change make it all the more necessary to focus on shared interests.

Where do things currently stand on Turkish-American ties
Different Dimensions of Environmental Security in Türkiye and Beyond

Different Dimensions of Environmental Security in Türkiye and Beyond

This book aims to present different dimensions of environmental security and their impact on international politics. Well-known scholars from Turkey and abroad reflected on recent trends on environmental security and at the same time the environmental policies of several actors, with a special attention on Türkiye.


Rural development efforts are urgently needed for better food security.

At the end of the G-20 Foreign Ministers' Summit held in New Delhi, the capital of India, the final text could not be published due to differences of opinion on Ukraine. The meeting was a preparation for the G-20 Leaders' Summit, which was planned to be held in the same city in September. The success of the meeting was also a matter of prestige for India, which wanted to increase its international profile by evaluating the West's policies that tried to distance China in recent years. Disagreements between the West and Russia and China over the Ukraine issue prevented Indian Prime Minister Modi's call to "focus on common points, not differences" from being answered. The fact that the final text could not be published despite Modi's efforts indicates that the international system crisis will continue to deepen.

In this article, I will briefly analyze some conventional and unconventional issues of 2022 and underline the increasing political crises in Western countries, all of which lead the world to a more chaotic period.

The recently-improved capacity of Türkiye’s defense industry and the country’s active policies will play an important role in the search for a new security architecture

In the new special issue of Insight Turkey, we endeavored to explore as many facets as possible of the interplay between new technology advancements and Turkish technopolitics. Within this context, this issue includes 8 research articles and 2 commentaries, covering a wide range of topics that are all important to the relationship between technological advancements and global politics.

‘Samarkand and New York summits have shown Türkiye’s determination of following an independent, diversified and global-scale foreign policy’

Water security refers to the availability of adequate quantities and qualities of water for societal needs and resilient ecosystems in the context of current conditions and future global change.

Over the last few years, the Eastern Mediterranean region has been struggling to capitalize on its natural gas resources due to several technical and financial obstacles and concerns over long-term access to markets in light of European decarbonization plans.

The aim of this article is to assess Türkiye’s national climate policy framework within the context of international climate change negotiations.

As the great power competition gains momentum, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan meet his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, in Sochi. The items on today’s agenda include the grain corridor, Ukraine, Syria and bilateral relations, starting with economic cooperation.

We are confident that this issue of Insight Turkey entitled “Rethinking Environmental Security in Türkiye and Beyond” will present timely studies regarding environmental security, a complex and increasingly important issue for Türkiye and the world.

We hope that this issue presents and provides the verity to its readers through an extensive and rich framing covering important events and developments related to climate change and migration.

This study presents the views of leading experts on NATO’s emergency summit.