Pressure on HDP good for Turkey and Kurds

Kurdish mothers are cursing the PKK, the HDP and their 'Kurdistan cause' today. History won't kindly judge any politician who fails to live up to their responsibilities.

Pressure on HDP good for Turkey and Kurds
US must cut YPG ties over abduction of Kurdish youth

US must cut YPG ties over abduction of Kurdish youth

For the last two weeks, the news of a group of Kurdish mothers protesting the abduction of their children by the PKK has dominated the headlines in Turkey. It all started a few weeks ago when Hacire Akar launched a sit-in protest in front of the pro-PKK Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) headquarters in Diyarbakır, over the abduction of her youngest son.


President Erdogan said the US withdrawal from Syria must be planned carefully and with the right partners, and that Ankara was counting on the international community to stand with Turkey in its commitment to eliminating terror in Syria.

Following in the footsteps of the terrorist organization PKK, which has been systematically recruiting child soldiers since 1994, the PYD, the PKK’s Syrian branch, continues to recruit children today.

The killing of 17-year-old Fatma by YPG terrorists proves how right Turkey was to start the Afrin operation

US Betting on the Wrong Horse in Syria

US support of Kurdish offshoot group in Syria could backfire in the medium-term.

US Betting on the Wrong Horse in Syria