Insight Turkey Publishes Its Latest Issue “Turktime has begun"

The latest edition of Insight Turkey has been released, featuring a special focus on the Turkic World. This issue includes four insightful commentaries and four in-depth research articles, delving into various aspects of the Turkic World. Additionally, it offers four articles on other topics, notably discussing the Palestinian issue in the context of the October 7 operation and examining Türkiye-Russia energy relations.

Insight Turkey Publishes Its Latest Issue œTurktime has begun quot
On Climate Migration Exploring Cases from Türkiye and Beyond

On Climate Migration Exploring Cases from Türkiye and Beyond

The edited volume combines two broad objectives. First, it intends to present an alarming and innovative perspective on climate change through case studies from around the world. Second, it will provide a new perspective on migration from the perspective of global and regional dynamics that force people to migrate. With a special emphasis on Türkiye’s climate change policy and its organizational capacity to meet new challenges that have emerged, especially after its successful response to the massive influx of Syrian refugees, the edited volume overall aims to inspire international organizations and governments to find long-term solutions to this dynamic process.


The lack of rational policies and well-calculated road maps alienate the Western powers from allies and neutral countries

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s visit to Azerbaijan and the European Union leaders summit will be the top items on Turkey’s foreign policy agenda this week.

To be clear, Turkey is actively involved in not just regional but also global issues. Ankara intends to remain part of those conversations, too. The driving force behind Turkey's actions is the challenges of geopolitics and the responsibilities they entail – as opposed to ideology.

Toward the Post-Crisis Energy Mix

For Turkey, as a dynamic, emerging economy, to increase its growth it needs a renewed strategy for investments into the energy market, but this may require changing its current partners in the field.

Toward the Post-Crisis Energy Mix
Right of Reply An open Letter to My Israeli Friends

Right of Reply: An open Letter to My Israeli Friends

Prof. Efraim Inbar - whose works on Turkish-Israeli relations deserve much credit - recently wrote an op-ed piece "An open letter to my Turkish friends" in The Jerusalem Post in which he paints a grotesque picture of Turkey's new foreign policy vision and domestic political developments. It misleadingly confines the multi-dimensional Turkish foreign policy vision to politics of ideology that is reminiscent of the Cold War years.


Turkish-Russian relations have been transformed in a unique way since the late 1990s. Ever increasing economic relations have paved way for better political relations, bringing cooperation perspectives to fore while having competing agendas at the same time. The past several years witnessed confidence building between the countries as the relationship rose to the level of a multi-dimensional partnership; however, there are also ideational and material factors that limit Russian-Turkish partnership. The future of multi-dimensional partnership will largely depend on both countries’ ability to set a strong structural base for mutual and long-term beneficiary relationship.

Russia and the Islamic World explore various fields of co-operation in the context of a changing international environment wherein a search for new allies and strategic partners are an ongoing reality. In order to facilitate discussions on possible avenues of partnership, Group of Strategic Vision “Russia-Islamic World” consisting high level members from Russia and some OIV countries was formed few years ago. The Third Meeting of the Group of Strategic Vision “Russia-Islamic World” was convened on February 2-3, 2007 in Istanbul,

The recent Russia-Georgia conflict was long in the making. The reason was not the problems between Moscow and Tbilisi, but the new round of a cold war between Russia and the Western bloc.

Ankara’s distinctive approach to Darfur and Khartoum requires a thorough, in-depth analysis within the context of Turkey’s changing role in regional and global affairs.

It is certain that the character assassination targeting PM ErdoÄŸan through the Gezi Park protests does not expect to reach a conclusion right now. The aim of the character assassination is to obliterate ErdoÄŸanÂ’s decision-making capacity by 2015. At this point, ErdoÄŸanÂ’s leadership test begins.

Erdogan’s presidential victory highlights that despite Turkey’s polarisation over the Kemalist era's legacy – the vast majority see him as the best route towards a modern, prosperous society.

If TANAP and Turkish Stream successfully create the expected synergy, Turkey will become both a regional energy hub and a major player in global energy diplomacy.

Sadık Ünay, the Economy Director of SETA, had a speech about the experience of Turkey on foreign aid and development cooperation issue at the Conference of Changing Nature of Development Aid.