US unilateralism hits the wall in al-Quds

US unilateralism hits the wall in al-Quds

Although the U.N. General Assembly decision is legally non-binding, the wide scope of global opposition to the U.S. on the status of al-Quds indicates a heavy loss of prestige and legitimacy for Washington, which could translate into a loss of effectiveness in foreign policy making on the Middle East.


The U.N. vote on Jerusalem that rejected Trump's declaration seems to harm the U.S.'s ties with member countries

The EU, France, the U.K., Germany, Russia and China all declared that the American administration had taken a wrong and provocative step that could damage peace efforts and trigger widespread violence.

By having indoctrinated Trump in the controversial Jerusalem decision, Pence has made a fair amount of opponents in the Middle East

Donald Trump's Jerusalem move made the situation in the Middle East even worse. Without east Jerusalem, there can be no two-state solution.

Trump drives US into corner with Jerusalem decision

In its ending declaration, Trump's decision on Jerusalem was harshly condemned and a call was made for the U.S. to take a step back and if it didn't, it would be responsible for everything that will occur next. Another striking emphasis about the U.S. was the statements from OIC states that the U.S. should step away from its role in the peace process.

Trump drives US into corner with Jerusalem decision
Erdoğan calls for braver unity against injustice at OIC summit

Erdoğan calls for braver unity against injustice at OIC summit

By calling for Muslim countries to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Palestine President Erdoğan shows the expected leadership at the OIC summit in Istanbul


It seems that Trump has tried to exploit the regional chaos, state failures and divisive policies of some Muslim countries.

Trump's Jerusalem move rekindled a century-old problem in the Middle East and created an environment that will fuel anti-Americanism in the region and Islamophobia in the U.S.

Whatever the global strategies of great powers or personal agendas of unprincipled politicians, al-Quds represents a jewel that shall be protected dearly as the global center of tolerance, multiculturalism and mutual respect

The U.S. will recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and move the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. This sparked anger and reactions from the Middle East and Europe, and before the decision, many leaders around the world tried to reach out to the White House to stop the president from declaring his decision.

Foreign policy makers at the White House have damaged the U.S.'s reputation around the world, making the once leading country isolated among its allies

At the end of the day, the Jerusalem conflict that started being debated after Trump's decision, is likely to damage the U.S.'s position in the region