Saudi Arabia is in big trouble

Riyadh has a long history of abductions and enforced disappearances when it comes to dissidents.

Saudi Arabia is in big trouble
Erdoğan or Trump Who deserves to be disappointed

Erdoğan or Trump: Who deserves to be disappointed?

The strained atmosphere between Turkey and the U.S. is not likely to change until Trump stops being a bully


Turkey has been consistently improving bilateral ties with countries like the U.K. and yet opposition political figures desperately complain to foreign governments about the current government instead of reaching out to their own people

Nowadays, there is heavy diplomatic traffic between Turkey and the United States. Following U.S. National Security Adviser Gen. H.R. McMaster's visit to Istanbul over the weekend, U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson is expected to be in the Turkish capital Ankara on Thursday. Meanwhile, the Turkish and American defense ministers will reportedly hold talks in Brussels later this week.

Erdoğan stepped on U.S. soil with refreshed confidence of a democratic leader enjoying unwavering political and social support after a heinous coup attempt

With the West's silence over the terror of the Assad regime and now the Russian government's military support to Syria, the atmosphere is perfect for everything to go as Assad wishes.