Recent unrest and shifting local alliances in Syria

Recent developments in Syria show that the dynamics caused by the civil war are still in effect as demonstrations against the Bashar Assad regime continue due to economic dissatisfaction and clashes between local Arab tribes and the PKK terrorist group’s Syrian presence YPG accelerate.

Recent unrest and shifting local alliances in Syria
The debate over normalization with the Assad regime in Washington

The debate over normalization with the Assad regime in Washington

The Syrian regime is using earthquake diplomacy to gain more legitimacy and accelerate the normalization process in the region. Following the earthquake, Egyptian Foreign Minister Shukri met with Assad in Damascus and delivered humanitarian aid to Syria through the regime. The day after the visit of the UAE Foreign Minister al-Nahyan, who is trying to lead the normalization process with Syria, Assad allowed UN aid teams to cross into opposition-controlled areas of Syria. It is no secret that many Arab countries, including the UAE and Egypt, prefer normalizing ties with the Syrian regime. Although the American administration has expressed its opposition to normalization efforts with the Assad regime in the region, there is no indication of serious pressure being exerted on this issue.


For days, both Syrian public opinion and the world have been discussing the question of “What is Turkey doing in Idlib, Syria?” If you are really curious about this question, you must have been born after 2015. Turkey has intervened in northern Syria for both humanitarian and security reasons due to a number of problems, such as nearly 4 million refugees coming to the country during the nine-year war, instability spreading from Syria and dozens of people killed in missile strikes on Turkish soil, which were launched from across the Syrian border.

It is distressing to witness the lack of European concern about the humanitarian disaster in Idlib and how Turkey has been abandoned in its fight for civilian safety

Even though the Syrian crisis continues to influence politics in the Middle East and the global balance, the European Union and major European powers, like the U.K., Germany and France, have continued to be the most reluctant and ineffective actors dealing with the crisis.

Yusuf Hamoud says they will protect rights of all minorities oppressed by YPG/PKK terror group in northern Syria

International indifference on Idlib complicates Turkey's position

The U.S. and European actors' indifference in Syria and pressure on Turkey weakens Ankara's position vis-a-vis Moscow in the political deal for Syria

International indifference on Idlib complicates Turkey's position
Regime's Idlib offensive and changing priorities of key actors

Regime's Idlib offensive and changing priorities of key actors

Moscow should turn the current situation in Idlib into an internationally recognized political deal rather than another brutal victory for the Assad regime


It is crucial that the international community concentrates on diplomatic efforts to revive the political process, and it must also put more pressure on Russia, Iran and the Assad regime to prevent the imminent military offensive against Idlib

Regional and global actors cannot reach common ground in order to end the Idlib crisis, signaling that the Syrian civil war will most probably get worse in the future

U.S. President Donald Trump criticized the Syrian regime for using chemical weapons on civilians in Douma, Eastern Ghouta, and threatened to use military power in response to this deplorable act.

Whether the missile attack was intended as just another PR opportunity for Trump or it represents a real turning point in the U.S.'s Syrian policy remains to be seen

The European countries must take a strong position against the cruelty of the Assad regime instead of attacking legal actors, like Erdoğan, if they are sincere to do something for peace in the region

The most significant humanitarian crisis since World War II has taken place in the middle of the Middle East. The world will remember this with three different pictures of war.

One of the most important dynamics shaping modernity in the 21st century is the continuation of threats and the asymmetry of experienced conflicts

The weakness of the international community made the regime stronger, bolder and more terrifying

The recent airstrikes on Aleppo and the resulting civilian casualties is the symbol of the Syrian war that we will have trouble explaining to future generations.

Syrians are being devastated at the hands of the actors whose foreign policies, that are far from humanity, have been failing since the start of the civil war

The U.S.'s assumption that Syria's YPG will contribute to the international coalition in the fight against DAESH will put the U.S. into trouble due to the terror organization's separatist strategy in northern Syria and southeastern Turkey

The growing power of the PKK and the PYD in northern Syria will remain a source of tensions between Turkey and the U.S. until Washington starts to understand what exactly concerns Ankara